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Pride Sample

When I look at these pictures It takes me to a place in time where I remember the

joyness of being a little kid. I played baseball from 9-12 years old and it was my first

sport I ever played. I loved being on the team and playing with my teammates who I still

talk to till this day even though we haven't hung out in a long time. I have memories of

me hitting home runs and having pizza parties with my team after games and

sometimes I wonder why I ever stopped playing sports, I guess I grew up too fast. I was
one of the best players on my team. I played catcher, shortstop, and pitcher and

everytime I would go up to bat the opposing team would always yell “get back”. If I hear

a song that played on the radio when I was younger I sometimes get flashbacks and

feel good because I remember the happy feelings of being a kid, where life wasn't as

stressful and I could just not worry about anything. When I played baseball I feel that's

where my favorite memories from childhood came from, the league I was in were kinda

the underdogs, every other league we faced they thought it was going to be a easy win

but we always fought until we couldn't no more and were recognized of the best in San


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