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Which one of the following do you think is the best way to get to know a city in a limited

amount of time when you first visit it? Touring historic sites; going to markets or shops;
eating in restaurants or spending time in cafes.

People have different purposes to visit a city. Providing that there is a limited time, I
would prefer eating in restaurants instead of doing other activities.
First of all, in my opinion, Although it is one of the most important purposes to visit
historical places, it is not an activity to be done in a limited time. Especially, some
places take hours to visit. Personally, as an example of my experience, I have been
in Auschwitz -Birkenau Concentration Camps in 2014, it was the largest of the Nazi
concentration and death camps where located in Krakow-Poland, it took my an entire
day to visit there. Assuming that I had not enough time, I wouldn’t visit there.
Secondly, another reason that why I prefer to eating restaurant is cultural cuisines
which most of cities have. For example, providing that Adana is visited, Adana Kebab
might be eaten, milk with banana and turnip juice can be drunk.
In a conclusion, As a result of limited time is not enough for historical places but
enough for cultural cuisines. Another word is trying to new foods and cuisines is best
way to get to know a city in a limited time.
If your good friend plans to keep a pet, what advice will you give him?

There are many kinds of pets which can be own. Personally, I would recommend to
my friend have a parakeet. One of the reasons is they have multicoloured wings
which it makes me feel fascinating. Secondly, they are easy to take responsibility. In
the condition of that they taken good care, they live between 15 and 25 years. Also if
they are trained, they can speak. For example, My father has one, which name is
Badem, can speak. It calls my father “my love”. As a result, in my opinion parakeets
are the best pets to own because of their color, skills and their easy care.

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