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A: "Hi Matt, I finished the assignment on the documents.

Did you get a chance

to review them?"

B: "Yeah. I already reviewed them. It was pretty good."

A: "Since it was my first project, I was wondering if I can get some feedback."

B: "Well, you finished the project on time. And seeing how it was your first

assignment, you did very well."

A: "Thanks. If it wasn't my first assignment, where do you think I need to


B: "That's a fair question... I think you could have spent a little more time

documenting the difference between Process A and Process B. You showed a lot

of the similarities, but lacking a little on the differences."

A: "I'll keep that in mind. How about the structure? I changed the template a

little because I wanted to add a section for recommendation."

B: "I liked the addition. Usually people just enter it into the comment section

on the bottom but having a clear section makes it stand out. That was good."

A: "Was there anything else? I like to get feedback early so I can improve."

B: "No problem. Everything else on the assignment was great. The only other

tip I can give you is sending me more updates. If I knew you were stuck on

section C for a while, I could have saved you a lot of time. So keep me aware

on your status."

A: "That makes sense. I'll do that. Thanks for the feedback."

B: "Don't mention it. And good job on the assignment."

A: "Thanks."
A: "Hi Mark. I completed Project A and didn't have anything else to work on.

Should I find something to do, or did you have something lined up?"

B: "I won't have another assignment for you until next Monday. What will you

be doing until then?"

A: "I'm not sure, I was thinking about investigating the reporting issue we are

having, but that's a low priority now. But if there is nothing else to do, it might

be good to finally fix that."

B: "How about John? He told me that he needed a little help on Project C. Why

don't you ask him if he still needs help? If not, then check out the reporting


A: "John? I've been meaning to talk to you about him."

B: "What's the problem?"

A: "I don't want to be out of line, but he's very difficult to work with. He looks

over my shoulder all the time and doesn't like how I am doing things."

B: "Yeah. He is like that. I appreciate your feedback, and you are not the first

to bring this up. Although he is difficult, he does get a lot of work done around


A: "I completely agree, and I will continue to work with him as well as I can. I

just thought I should let you know instead of keeping it bottled up."

B: "I appreciate your honesty. But for now, you're going to have to tolerate his

methods a little longer. I'll see if the director is willing to have a talk with John

about this problem."

A: "Ok. Well, I'll go see what type of help John needs. If there is nothing, I'll

work on the reporting problem. Either way, I'll send you an email letting you

know what I am working on."

B: "That would be perfect. Thanks."

A: "Thanks. I'll talk to you later."

B: "Ok. Bye."

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