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Sunshine Song Solvejgs Lied Un poco Andante Edvard Greig, 1874 P The Wine termay go andthe spring may— ais, the. gpring. may digs" Der _Win- ter mag schet-den, der fri ing var getln, da, ae Bes, ee = => = > ; The .sum- mermayfade,andthe year may fly, The. year may Hye der_Sommer mag verwel-ken,das Jahr ver~ wehiny dae. Jahr rer - wWehWene oe 7 orese. —= =—_- = — Ay But hou wiltcomeagaincomoa- eat 1 know! 1 kaw thoulebeminel GP hak “rere nin che oe - ies ds nanetmin,_ge- wie, ce wirstpery "ch un E ©2000 f faithfulord is épokenand I wait Jove al-waysthine! 1 wait,love,al-waysthinel hab esverspro- cherich har-re treulichdein, ich har= re treulich dein. 26, Allegretto. con moto God help thea ev-ertis sun to__ feel! Hie. sun. ta__ fal Gott _hel fe diruvenndu die Son-ne nochsiehstdie__ Son ne noch siehst, God ‘blesthee when at__ His feet. you_ kneel, atHis feet. you. kneslP Gott _seg-ne dich wenn de___me_Fi_ssenitin krwest, m___ Fa__ssenthm kniest, ot =a ‘& Ishallwait til thou a - gain art near, a- gain. art_near! And feh— willdet-nerhar-ren bis du — rnir nay bis du rarnahy und :0 animato. iF POSE ee SL a =~ _ PF IBN 7 ==

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