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To Whom It May Concern

This letter serves as a recommendation on behalf of Kylie Cianciolo. I have known Kylie for at
least a year and a half as I am the PTK Advisor for the Beta Upsilon Beta chapter in which
Kylie is a member. When I met Kylie she was still in high school and attending Cuyahoga
Community College as a College Credit Plus student. While attending Cuyahoga Community
College and busy with her high school commitments, her college courses, work and family life
if Kylie could, she was always willing to help out with our projects and fundraising activities.
With that said, Kylie has always been very direct and deliberate on her availability leaving no
room for unmet expectations. Currently Kylie serves as our chapter’s Public Relations officer
and Secretary and in these roles too, she is very up front and honest about her abilities. For
someone of her young age, Kylie’s honesty and directness are refreshing as well as welcoming
attributes for her PTK positions.
This semester our chapter was down to one officer (President) and we were grateful when
Kylie assumed the leadership roles as Public Relations Officer and Secretary. Additionally,
Kylie took the initiative to spearhead the College Project. With just one semester to decide
upon a project and implement it, Kylie has been an effective leader in bringing to fruition an
important project. Not only has she developed a College Project that has the potential to
have significant impact in the college and the community, her management of the project has
been outstanding. Kylie has called upon chapter members to take part in the brainstorming
and processes of the project, reached out to relevant faculty and administration, contacted a
local company and created an amazing website to share and collect data with, and has proved
to be an excellent leader.
The highlight of the College Project which serves to educate our campus and community
about composting is an interview with a founder of a local company that provides composting
services. Kylie arranged the interview, crafted the questions, and led an hour-long fascinating
discussion in an online meeting environment. She then edited the video, doled out
responsibilities to chapter members and created a beautiful informational website to
disseminate to the college and community. Kylie’s attention to detail, perseverance, and
follow through has been very impressive. She handles herself in a professional, mature
manner and serves as a stellar example of leadership for our chapter. I am happy to know
Kylie and delighted to provide this recommendation.


Nancy Weissman
Dr. Nancy Weissman 

Beta Upsilson Beta Chapter Advisor

Westshore Campus 

Cuyahoga Community College

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