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Sacramento City Unified School District (SCUSD) staff and the City of Sacramento have

been in close contact regarding reopening plans since early March when we were first
within parameters for a potential reopening of in-person instruction. Due to the COVID
pandemic the 4th R program was significantly impacted by County Public Health Order
restrictions resulting in their staff shifting to alternate extended learning programs at
community centers targeting our most vulnerable students. Reestablishing the 4th R
program in April would result in closure of their current cost-free needs-based programs.

It is important to know that 4th R runs independently of the district. However, to ensure
that our families would have a before and afterschool child care option as soon as
possible and through summer, we worked to identify another option for our families.

The Sacramento Chinese Community Service Center stepped up to provide this for our
families. Because the Center would need to license locations and hire new staff, they
have asked to continue the program longer than the next few months to justify this
effort. They are a long-standing partner with the City and the District – and we agreed.

The new program will be called the Academy of Scholars program.

Sites (portable units) will be transferred for the use of the Center, as they are not owned
by the district but were leased and operated by the City. Again, this program was
independent of the district.

Some families have expressed their disappointment in this change because they love
their 4th R staff. Those dedicated providers are not going away! The City will provide a
robust menu of summer and youth programming in the community that will continue to
supplement the programs offered by SCUSD. Many of these City programs are
cost-free options focused on our most underserved students

And our families will not have the option to sign up for the Center’s Academy of
Scholars. This year has been an extraordinary challenge for all of us requiring “new
normals” in all we do. We know that this after-school change may not feel like an ideal
solution for all, but please understand it is a well-reasoned approach to a complex
problem, with only the best intentions for our families and students.

Tara Gallegos
Chief Communications Officer
Sacramento City Unified School District

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