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Carla’s background in health care and support services class during high school helped her to specialize in maternal
and child nursing during college. Upon knowing the principles on handling pregnant clients and appropriate
techniques on carrying these out, Carla and her friends decided to put up a center that will facilitate exercise sessions
for pregnant mothers. A part of their proposed services to be offered is the fetal monitoring prior and after the
exercise to male sure that the mother’s will be assured that their babies are safe and are not stressed.
At first, the center welcomed only a few clients but as time passed by, it claimed its breakthrough with the help of their
pioneer clients.

Today, the center is already tied up with the other obstetric clinic managed by Carla’s former classmates too. Carla
was not only being able to generate income from her business but also able to put into practice what she has learned.

1. Identify the entrepreneurial characteristics that helped Carla succeed in her business.
The entrepreneurial characteristics that helped Carla succeed in her business are first is she has well designed
values in such a way that he used what he learned to benefit other people. Another characteristic is that she has the
courage to open a business. It actually takes a lot of courage to even start a business and at such a young age he
showed that or she portrayed another characteristic of an entrepreneur which is self discipline.

2. Do you think all the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur are equally important or are some more
important than the others? Explain your answer
For me, all the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur are equally important because these characteristics are
the characteristics that will help a businessman to grow. With one lacking characteristics, the business will be

3.Many of the greatest inventors also became successful entrepreneurs. These include Bill Gates of
Microsoft, Alexander Graham Bell, and Thomas Alba Edison. Do you agree that these people would not
become successful businessmen if they didn’t have the characteristics of an entrepreneur? Why?
For me, I agree that these people would not become successful entrepreneur if they didn’t have the characteristics of
an entrepreneur and just have some of them because as what I have said in the previous question, it will be
unbalanced. Though, I would not only credit them for inventing such things they invented for some of them do have
partners that co-invented those products that are often not credited or recognized for it.

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