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Reta eae P| imerentinesty Barenta cor Dy Re ne ESE SB aC Coe NG Ree MOOC Student Behaviour Modeling and Performance Prediction using Neural Networks [py] a-) 10 May 2021 (Monday) mila) 14:30 - 15:30 war SJel--)<10)| Dr. Xiaohui Tao Associate Professor University of Souther Queensland (USO), Australa PN Ae Tad As teaching and learning moves further into the digital Bee etd ese eee anneal their students. Understanding students and their Pee earn ae eco Coe challenge for MOOC providers as they are not always eM ot mee et Cec Pen Eee cet nee eres a Md a ance Omen ies oe Pee ae ae eC at BREN eke naecla ce seu Eee eRe RC mae aay lee ameter utter Mola on ola nC? Creer See Cer rca Coa Perce elle Malco (eo cae Loe MELA Erne crak eke ete ey Taisho ies Pease etek tace te ice cue hs Den eee ee i) Reena E CaS. ect Baur Coe uae r iota Rarity and describes student behaviour as quantifiable ee eam a niet era Be ces Corea Poet Roce) Poe ay Cad About the Speaker jaohui Tao is Professor in School of Sciences, University of Southern Queensland (USQ), Australia. His research interests include data analytics, machine —_ learning knowledge engineering, information retrieval, and health informatics. During his research career, Dr. Tao has gained a wealth of knowledge and experience in dealing massive data sets and delivering solutions to complex research problems. He has made contributions to the such as —_ Knowledge ineering, Text 9 Mining and Information Retrieval and Health informatics. His research outcomes have been published in top-tier journals including IEEE TKDE, KBS and WWW3. He has served as PC Chair in WI and BESC conferences and an editor or a guest editor in WIJ, WWW3, and INFFUS. rently, he is leading the Data Mining and Analytics (DMA) Group in School of Sci usa.

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