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Where’s my milk?

One day in a sunny morning, Tobias the farmer woke up at 6am thanks to the cackle of his trusty
friend Gary the rooster ready to do all his daily activities, but first he had to cook his favorite
breakfast, scrambled eggs with milk; and to achieve that task he went to visit Gary´s wife in the
chicken coop to get some fresh eggs. After Gary’s family pecked him so many times eventually the
farmer completed his risky task and got 5 eggs but unfortunately 2 of them cracked, afraid to die
he decided to let things be and returned to his house to finally cook his food, but when he opened
the fridge to take some milk, he noticed there wasn’t milk; what means that Gary the Farmer had
to do another visit but now to his friend Lola the cow and his friends in the barn. When he reached
there, he realized that the barn was empty, and suddenly he found a very politely written message
in the wall that said "Hello fellow human, we are very ashamed with you, but we need to borrow
your cows. We will return them in one week starting this very day; again, we apologize to do this
without your consent" sign: The aliens.

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