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1) The extract 1 is against the topic, the extract 2 is with the topic and the
extract 3 is against the topic.
2) No.
3) I disagree with the first extract because of the arguments it provides. the fact
that playing violent video games can be the cause of academic cheating and
excessive consumption of chocolate amongst students is something that
doesn't make sense to me. I agree with the cosmetic surgery to increasethe
self-esteem because that makes more people to avoid the anti-depressants
and for the last one, i think that is not good downloading and sharing films
and music because it is illegal.

 Conversation 1: the man disagree and the woman agree.
 Conversation 2: the man agree and woman disagree.
 Conversation 3: the man agree and woman disagree.

EXERCICE 2 D and 3 A
Giving opinions Agreeing

I’m really against it. That make sense.

I’m in favour of… I see what you mean.

Personally, I think.. Exactly!

Basically, I think.. Good point.

I do think..
Partially agreeing Disagreeing

I see your opinión, but… Actually i totally disagree.

I agree to a certain extent but… I’m still not convinced

I suppose so. I totally disagree.

Fair enough, but I’m not so sure.

1) B
2) B
3) B
4) A
5) A
6) B
1) According to this article.
2) For instance, for memorising content.
3) Such as, spending time.
4) Apparently, homework is essential.
5) Like in that magazines.
6) As fas as i know.
1) D.
2) C.
3) A
4) F
5) E
6) B.
1) According to the topic 6, i totally disagree because it doesn't against the law,
so that is not a reason to be illegal in a public transport.
2) I agree with the topic 3 because if you are hungry and you dont have the
money to buy food because you are poor, the only thing that you have left is
3) I agree with the topic 2 because it doesn't make sense that a company will
paid too bad for person who is working very hard for his job.

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