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Jericho M.


Letter to my Future Wife

I don’t know if by now I have already met you or not but I’m sure that I’m
the luckiest guy around here to be married to someone like you. You are the
person that I look up to, the one who is down to earth and willing to help
others, my girl best friend and partner in crime, the most talented and
beautiful person I’ve met in my entire life besides my mom, the one who
understands and is with me through everything specially during the times
when things fall apart, you always know what to do. I wont change things in
the past even if I’m given the chance to go back and fix anything because I
know for a fact that in everything that happened In the past, every decision
that I made has led me to the moment that I met a special person like you.
Thank you for staying by my side even if you have seen me during my dark
days, thank you for giving me countless of chances, thank you for choosing
me as your partner till death do us part, thank you for being my strength in
times of weakness, thank you for your love and everything with it, I love
you so much.

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