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100 Boundless Love Words and Music by DIANE WILKINSON wits excitement Jca 96 srvanged To Fete [2] woo & 6 § o £ o & ° aa ® pp ————e ce BSS SS Ioves the way that Je sus + 5 ee En FF @ oy © Copy 1986 Homeward Bound Masi DML (arin. by 10). ‘Allegis eve Used by pension PLEASE NOTE: Copying ofthis preduct sot covered by CCL heenses CCL intermation call 1-900-234246, 101 give His Hie for fall - en Bog pr ound - lesg__ love, and it down and touch-es____ mes 0) a a love is an end - less__love, that will Inst thro’ all = ter — SIG apo Goren wr @. Myeretet ned st SSS as Lvememmire sat ag sm ste on eerer £4 fle Sf a * 8 7 a =F cious in His sight He will nev-er fall you wien the ceube s-sail your Hell be with you day and ges pt -¢ = ® get pg wr 4 = 4-1 4 Brie Cs j — = wise an end ~ lexg__love, that will o last thro! all ¢-ter = ni 2 Beal ge ead = less—_love, that will lst thro' all e-ter = nh ty His a Seems Gog " | eB Be py BF Gn His love, 107 Boundless Love (*opt. teptise) (ay Mived trio (opt mised gure) @y Wis sight there is none a-tove you. You are pre-cious in £ + Fon you when the doubts as-sail you; Hell be with you day end £ B ier 7B pr a a Soe sCieacan amano: ight cntnoien of it apr Asconpatmantckiinled cas tskfomat, ® | ne

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