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Hi, my name is Rayah, and I am a senior high school student.

Let me just tell you that being a

student in today’s society is not always easy.

Adults always warn us that we don't get depression and that we should just wait before we grow
up. However, as adolescent students, we experience our own levels of stress. For example, all
school activities require you to maintain a high-grade point average, as well as the requirement
that you devote some spare time to it day and night. Then, though doing my homework on time
seems not easy, I still hope to have a life outside of school. Many students in their senior year
begin their day through a many responsibility to be done in our houses and obligations to be
expressed within our community. You are too tired to complete your schoolwork by the time you
go, but you sit up late to try to return to school the next day feeling half awake. What's it good?
Now, let me tell you that we are becoming young adults, and some of the students have entered
into serious relationships, and some have even married. Of course, this does not earn you a
pass from homework, but it does make home life difficult when you are still striving to have a
friendship. We should not disregard peer pressure. All secondary school understudies are
presented to it sooner or later in their life. Secondary school can be where understudies are
ridiculed, objected, singled out and pointed at. Every one of us has a decision on the most
proficient method to acknowledge these demands in their day to day existence, and for that, I
pick my confidence. I have communicated a portion of the difficulties we face in being an
understudy. However, I haven't addressed that it is so hard to be a Christian teen in secondary
school today. Declaring yourself to be a Christian opens a ton of entryways where you should
guard yourself, such as being engaged with the Christian Club or in any event, imploring at the
lunch table before you eat. Being a Christian in secondary school tests your confidence to high
measures, watching young ladies part with themselves, understudies not thinking often about
their evaluations, others exiting and the rundown continues forever. My point is, it is
significantly more upsetting to be an understudy in secondary school than grown-ups accept.
Despite the fact that it shouldn't be like this, it just deteriorates as years cruise by. What's more,
we are continually being judged, particularly for what we have confidence in. So our "stress"
may not include taking care of bills, purchasing goods or dealing with a family, however I'm
certain if the grown-ups in our lives could return to class today, they would be astounded at the
amount it has changed. I don't need you to think briefly that there aren't acceptable minutes
and recollections made while we are understudies. We discover our companions, our guides
and, on the off chance that we are fortunate, ourselves! My mother consistently advises me to
appreciate it while I can — 'it' being my childhood. I realize that the world outside of school is
frequently unforgiving and that the duties are not kidding. That is actually why I realize that the
center I provide for my future is fundamental in assisting me with exploring my way into a
vocation that will permit me to add to society and appreciate who and what I become. I need to
remind everybody, including myself, that at this time, we are pretty much as old as we have at
any point been, and as youthful as we will be once more. Live at the time! In the event that this
was your last second, would you have the option to say you were living? I need to have the
option to say yes. So that is the thing that I am attempting to do — learning as I go, wearing
confidence as my shield and realizing that in God's arrangement we are for the most part
understudies and instructors, as well.

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