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What is UML?
- UML (Unified Modeling Language) is a modeling language used by software developers.
UML can be used to develop diagrams and provide users (programmers) with ready-to-
use, expressive modeling examples.

What are the sections of Class in class diagram?

- The class diagram is made up of three sections:

o Upper Section: The upper section encompasses the name of the class. A class is a
representation of similar objects that shares the same relationships, attributes, operations,
and semantics.

o Middle Section: The middle section constitutes the attributes, which describe the quality of
the class.

o Lower Section: The lower section contain methods or operations. The methods are
represented in the form of a list, where each method is written in a single line.

What is balancing in DFD?

- The concept of balancing states that all the incoming flows to a process and all the
outgoing flows from a process in the parent diagram should be preserved at the next
level of decomposition.

What are the elements of DFD?

- All data flow diagrams include four main elements: entity, process, data store and data

o External Entity – Also known as actors, sources or sinks, and terminators,

external entities produce and consume data that flows between the entity and the
system being diagrammed.
o Process – An activity that changes or transforms data flows.
o Data Store – A data store does not generate any operations but simply holds data
for later access.
o Data Flow – Movement of data between external entities, processes and data
stores is represented with an arrow symbol, which indicates the direction of flow.

What is Zero level in DFD?

- Level 0 DFDs, also known as context diagrams, are the most basic data flow
diagrams. It's a basic overview of the whole system or process being analysed or
modeled. It's designed to be an at-a-glance view, showing the system as a single high-
level process, with its relationship to external entities.
Identify any symbol of DFD.

What is actor?
- In UML, an actor is a model element that interacts with a system. As a model element,
it can be an abstract person (e.g. “customer”) or another external system.

What is the significance of Sequence diagram?

- The sequence diagram is a good diagram to use to document a system's requirements and to flush
out a system's design. The reason the sequence diagram is so useful is because it shows the
interaction logic between the objects in the system in the time order that the interactions take place.

How will you show timeline in Sequence diagram?

- A sequence diagram is structured in such a way that it represents a timeline which begins at the
top and descends gradually to mark the sequence of interactions.

What are the relationships in class diagram?.

o Abstraction relationships
o Aggregation relationships
o Association relationships
o Association classes
o Binding relationships
o Composition association relationships
o Dependency relationships
o Directed association relationships
o Element import relationships
o Generalization relationships
o Interface realization relationships
o Instantiation relationships
o Package import relationship
o Realization relationships
o Usage relationships

What are the cardinalities of ER diagram?

o Many-to-Many cardinality (m:n)
o Many-to-One cardinality (m:1)
o One-to-Many cardinality (1:n)
o One-to-One cardinality (1:1 )

What are the different parts of Deployment Diagram?

o Nodes: A node represents any hardware component. The configuration of hardware is
represented by attributes of nodes.
o Components: A component represents software. Each component straightly represents a
class or object that in turn represents methods.
o Dependencies: The reliability of one component with that of another is depicted by
o Links: To tie up tow nodes, the links are utilized. The links are implemented by using nodes
and their associations.

What are the static diagrams of UML?

 - Structural (or Static) diagram: emphasizes the static structure of the system
using objects, attributes, operations and relationships. It includes class diagrams
and composite structure diagrams.
 Types :
What are the dynamic diagrams of UML?
 - Behavioral (or Dynamic) view: emphasizes the dynamic behavior of the
system by showing collaborations among objects and changes to the internal
states of objects. This view includes sequence diagrams, activity diagrams, and
state machine diagrams.
 Types:

List all the types of UML diagrams.


What are the elements of Activity diagram?

o Action: A step in the activity wherein the users or software perform a given task.
o Decision node: A conditional branch in the flow that is represented by a diamond.
It includes a single input and two or more outputs.

o Control flows: Another name for the connectors that show the flow between
steps in the diagram.

o Start node: Symbolizes the beginning of the activity. The start node is
represented by a black circle.

o End node: Represents the final step in the activity. The end node is represented
by an outlined black circle.

What are the elements of State Transition diagram?

o Initial state – We use a black filled circle represent the initial state of a System
or a class.
o Transition – We use a solid arrow to represent the transition or change of
control from one state to another.
o State – We use a rounded rectangle to represent a state. A state represents the
conditions or circumstances of an object of a class at an instant of time.
o Fork – We use a rounded solid rectangular bar to represent a Fork notation with
incoming arrow from the parent state and outgoing arrows towards the newly
created states.
o Join – We use a rounded solid rectangular bar to represent a Join notation with
incoming arrows from the joining states and outgoing arrow towards the common
goal state.
o Self transition – We use a solid arrow pointing back to the state itself to
represent a self transition.
o Composite state – We use a rounded rectangle to represent a composite state
o Final state – We use a filled circle within a circle notation to represent the final
state in a state machine diagram.

What is the use of Collaboration Diagram?

- Collaboration diagrams are also known as communication diagrams. They can
demonstrate how objects communicate to execute a specific use case's actions or an
aspect of a use case.

What are the elements of Use Case diagram?

o Actors: The users that interact with a system. An actor can be a person, an
organization, or an outside system that interacts with your application or system.
They must be external objects that produce or consume data.
o System: A specific sequence of actions and interactions between actors and the
system. A system may also be referred to as a scenario.

o Goals: The end result of most use cases. A successful diagram should describe the
activities and variants used to reach the goal.

What is the symbol of stereotype?


Identify the symbols of activity diagram?

Define Use case.

- A use case diagram at its simplest is a representation of a user's interaction with the
system that shows the relationship between the user and the different use cases in
which the user is involved.

What is Feasibility study?

- Feasibility study is the feasibility analysis or it is a measure of the software product in
terms of how much beneficial product development will be for the organization in a
practical point of view.

Brief technical feasibility.

- The technical feasibility study gives report whether there exists correct required
resources and technologies which will be used for project development.

Define Entity, attributes.

o An entity is a distinguishable real-world object that exist.
o An attribute describes the elementary feature of an entity.

26. What is SDLC?

Ans: The software development lifecycle (SDLC) is a framework that development teams use
to produce high-quality software in a systematic and cost-effective way. The SDLC
methodology is used by both large and small software organizations.

27. What are the phases of SDLC?

Ans: There are usually six phases in this cycle: requirement analysis, design, development and
testing, implementation, documentation, and evaluation.

28. What are the advantages of UML?

Ans: Provides standard for software development.
- Reducing of costs to develop diagrams of UML using supporting tools.
- Development time is reduced.
- The past faced issues by the developers are no longer exists.
- Has large visual elements to construct and easy to follow.

29. Define Package.

Ans: A package is a collection of files and directories required for a software product, and is
usually designed and built by the application developer after completing the development of
the application code.

30. Define generalization with example.

Ans: Generalization is the process of extracting shared characteristics from two or more
classes, and combining them into a generalized superclass. Shared characteristics can be
attributes, associations, or methods. In contrast to generalization, specialization means
creating new subclasses from an existing class.
For example, a dog conditioned to salivate to a tone of a particular pitch and loudness will also
salivate with considerable regularity in response to tones of higher and lower pitch.

31. Define Specialization with example.

Ans: if some new subclasses are created from an existing superclass to do specific job of the
superclass, then it is known as specialization.

32. Difference between activity and sequence dia.

Sequence Diagram:-
 The Sequence diagram represents the UML, which is used to visualize the sequence of
calls in a system that is used to perform a specific functionality.
 The Sequence diagram shows the message flow from one object to another object.
 Sequence diagram is used for the purpose of dynamic modelling.
 Sequence diagram is mainly used to represent the time order of a process.
Activity Diagram:-
 The Activity diagram represents the UML, which is used to model the workflow of a
 The Activity diagram shows the message flow from one activity to another.
 Activity diagram is used for the purpose of functional modelling.
 Activity diagram is used to represent the execution of the process.

33. How will you write cardinalities in ER dia.?

Ans: In an ER diagram, cardinality is represented as a crow's foot at the connector's ends. The
three common cardinal relationships are one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many.
34. What is structural modeling?
Ans: Structural model represents the framework for the system and this framework is the
place where all other components exist. Hence, the class diagram, component diagram and
deployment diagrams are part of structural modeling.

35. What is behavioral modeling?

Ans: A behavioural model shows the interactions between objects to produce some particular
system behaviour that is specified as a use-case. Sequence diagrams (or collaboration
diagrams) in the UML are used to model interaction between objects.

36. What are the class visibility symbol in class dia.?

Ans: Visibility of Class attributes and Operations
UML identifies four types of visibility: public, protected, private, and package. The +, -, # and ~
symbols before an attribute and operation name in a class denote the visibility of the attribute
and operation.

37. Define association.

Ans: Association is relation between two separate classes which establishes through their
Objects. ... In Object-Oriented programming, an Object communicates to other Object to use
functionality and services provided by that object. Composition and Aggregation are the two
forms of association.

38. What is inheritance?


39. List some of the software used to draw UML dia.

Ans: The software are used to draw uml diagrams follows.
Gliffy: an online UML tool for beginners.
ArgoUML: popular freeware for simple diagrams.
MagicDraw: everything you need for professional UML diagrams.
Lucidchart: the online UML tool for teamwork.
IBM Rational Rhapsody: graphical developments environment for full process integration.

40. What is Class?

Ans: In software engineering, a class diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a type
of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the system's
classes, their attributes, operations (or methods), and the relationships among objects.

41. Define object.

Ans: Objects: All entities involved in the solution design are known as objects. For example,
person, banks, company, and users are considered as objects. Every entity has some attributes
associated with it and has some methods to perform on the attributes.

42. What is Software Engineering?

Ans: Software engineering is a detailed study of engineering to the design, development and
maintenance of software. Software engineering was introduced to address the issues of low-
quality software projects. Problems arise when a software generally exceeds timelines,
budgets, and reduced levels of quality. Or
Software engineering is defined as a process of analyzing user requirements and then
designing, building, and testing software application which will satisfy those requirements.

43. Brief about cultural feasibility.

Ans: The objective of a software feasibility study, as the name implies, is to assess from the
operational, technical, economic and organizational point of view whether the project is
viable. The document is intended for the system’s stakeholder (someone who has some direct
or indirect influence on the system’s requirements). The feasibility study, especially
professional software project feasibility analysis, takes place after specifying business
requirements, that is, it is the second step of the requirements engineering process.
Its justification is justified in order to analyze and answer some questions from the point of
view of operational, technical, schedule and economic feasibility, such as Or
Feasibility Study in Software Engineering is a study to evaluate feasibility of proposed project
or system. ... Feasibility study is carried out based on many purposes to analyze whether
software product will be right in terms of development, implantation, contribution of project
to the organization etc.

44. Brief about operational feasibility.

Ans: Operational feasibility refers to the measure of solving problems with the help of a new
proposed system. It helps in taking advantage of the opportunities and fulfills the
requirements as identified during the development of the project. It takes care that the
management and the users support the project.

45. Brief about economic feasibility.

Ans: Economic feasibility determines whether the required software is capable of generating
financial gains for an organization. It involves the cost incurred on the software development
team, estimated cost of hardware and software, cost of performing feasibility study, and so

46. Show the symbol of Component in Component dia.

Ans: Component diagrams are used in modeling the physical aspects of object-oriented
systems that are used for visualizing, specifying, and documenting component-based systems
and also for constructing executable systems through forward and reverse engineering.

47. Draw one class with all section in class dia. (student class)
Ans: A Class in UML diagram is a blueprint used to create an object or set of objects. The Class
defines what an object can do. It is a template to create various objects and implement their
behavior in the system. A Class in UML is represented by a rectangle that includes rows with
class names, attributes, and operations.

48. How do we represent private, public and protected in class diagrams?

Ans: Public − A public member is visible from anywhere in the system. In class diagram, it is
prefixed by the symbol ‘+’.

Private − A private member is visible only from within the class. It cannot be accessed from
outside the class. A private member is prefixed by the symbol ‘−’.

Protected − A protected member is visible from within the class and from the subclasses
inherited from this class, but not from outside. It is prefixed by the symbol ‘#’.

49. What is folk and join in Activity dia.?

Ans: A Fork notation in a UML Activity Diagram is a control node that splits a flow into multiple
concurrent flows. This will have one incoming edge and multiple outgoing edges. A join node is
a control node that synchronizes multiple flows. This will have multiple incoming edges and
one outgoing edge.

50. What are the elements of sequence dia.?

Ans: A sequence diagram is a type of interaction diagram because it describes how—and in
what order—a group of objects works together. These diagrams are used by software
developers and business professionals to understand requirements for a new system or to
document an existing process.

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