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Braz J Oral Sci. January/March 2005 - Vol.

4 - Number 12

Dental cementum reviewed:

development, structure, composition,
regeneration and potential functions
Patricia Furtado Gonçalves 1
Enilson Antonio Sallum 1 Abstract
Antonio Wilson Sallum 1 This article reviews developmental and structural characteristics of
Márcio Zaffalon Casati 1 cementum, a unique avascular mineralized tissue covering the root
surface that forms the interface between root dentin and periodontal
Sérgio de Toledo 1
ligament. Besides describing the types of cementum and
Francisco Humberto Nociti Junior 1
Dept. of Prosthodontics and Periodontics,
cementogenesis, attention is given to recent advances in scientific
Division of Periodontics, School of Dentistry understanding of the molecular and cellular aspects of the formation
at Piracicaba - UNICAMP, Piracicaba, São and regeneration of cementum. The understanding of the mechanisms
Paulo, Brazil. involved in the dynamic of this tissue should allow for the
development of new treatment strategies concerning the approach
of the root surface affected by periodontal disease and periodontal
regeneration techniques.

Received for publication: October 01, 2004 Key Words:

Accepted: December 17, 2004 dental cementum, review

Correspondence to:
Francisco H. Nociti Jr.
Av. Limeira 901 - Caixa Postal: 052 -
CEP: 13414-903 - Piracicaba - S.P. - Brazil
Tel: ++ 55 19 34125298
Fax: ++ 55 19 3412 5218

Braz J Oral Sci. 4(12): 651-658 Dental cementum reviewed: development, structure, composition, regeneration and potential functions

Introduction junction (Figure 1). The areas and location of acellular

Cementum is an avascular mineralized tissue covering the afibrillar cementum vary from tooth to tooth and along the
entire root surface. Due to its intermediary position, forming cementoenamel junction of the same tooth 6-9. Its major
the interface between root dentin and periodontal ligament, structural organic components are glycosaminoglycans 6,
cementum is a component of the tooth itself, but belongs and its functional significance is unknown. The lack of
functionally to the dental attachment apparatus, that is, collagen fibrils indicates that this cementum variety has no
the periodontium. One of the main functions of cementum function in tooth attachment.
is to anchor the principal collagen fibers of the periodontal
ligament to the root surface, but it also has important
adaptative and reparative functions, playing a crucial role
to maintain occlusal relationship and to protect the integrity
of the root surface.
Until recently, knowledge of the development and the
general structure of the periodontium was limited to
morphological information, although, during the last
decade, rapid progress has been made in understanding
the molecular and cellular biology of periodontal tissue
development and regeneration, including cementum.
Dental cementum is unique in various aspects: it is
avascular and not innervated, does not undergo continuous
remodelling like bone, but continues to grow in thickness
throughout life1. In contrast with these specific histological Fig. 1. Acellular cementum (arrow). Notice that acellular afibrillar
characteristics, it appears not to be specific at the cellular cementum overlaps the cervical end of the enamel. This is the most
and molecular level2. Unlike dentine and enamel, where there common relationship between the two tissues. Unstained, 100x
are clear differences in the proteins present in these tissues
and the factors regulating their functions when compared Cellular intrinsic fiber cementum contains cementocytes
with bone, cementum has not demonstrated to express embedded in a collagenous matrix of intrinsic collagen
specific proteins, appearing to contain factors in common fibers (Figures 3 and 4). These collagen fibers are oriented
with bone and to be developmentally controlled by similar mostly parallel to the root surface and course in a circular
factors 2-3. fashion around the root6. A fast matrix deposition by the
There is accumulating histological evidence that cementum cementoblasts, which occurs in the space between
is critical for appropriate maturation of the periodontium, deviating epithelial cells of Hertwig´s root sheath and the
both during development and as well as that associated dentinal surface appears to be the reason for the
with regeneration of periodontal tissues3. Recent studies incorporation of some of the cementoblasts 10-11. Cellular
have contributed to an understanding of the possible intrinsic fiber cementum is found in the furcation, on the
involvement of some of the molecular factors in cementum apical root portion, in old resorption lacunae and in root
regeneration 4, but cementogenesis, on a cell biological fracture sites, playing an important role as an adaptative
basis, continues to be poorly understood. The aim of this tissue that brings and maintains the tooth in its proper
chapter is to give a comprehensive review about some position and also participating in the repair process,
important aspects of this unique tissue, including its although it has no immediate function in tooth
varieties, development, structure, composition, attachment1,6 . Only cellular intrinsic fiber cementum can
regeneration and potential functions. repair a resorptive defect of the root in a reasonable time,
due to its capacity to grow much faster than any other
Types of cementum type of cementum10.
Traditionally, cementum has been classified as cellular and Acellular extrinsic fiber cementum is mainly found on
acellular, depending on the presence or absence of cervical and middle root portions, covering 40% to 70% of
cementocytes in its structure. Another classification the root surface. On anterior teeth, it may also cover part of
includes intrinsic or extrinsic fiber cementum, depending the apical root portion, since its apical extension increases
on the presence of collagen fibers formed by cementoblasts from posterior to anterior teeth. It serves the exclusive
or by fibroblasts, respectively 5-6. Mainly three cementum function of anchoring the root to periodontal ligament. The
types differing in these aspects are distinguished in humans. acellular extrinsic fiber cementum matrix consists of a dense
Acellular afibrillar cementum covers minor areas of the fringe of short collagenous fibers that are implanted into
enamel, particularly at and along the cementoenamel the dentinal matrix (glycosaminoglycans) and are oriented

Braz J Oral Sci. 4(12): 651-658 Dental cementum reviewed: development, structure, composition, regeneration and potential functions

about perpendicularly to the root surface 6 . When they

become elongated and eventually continuous with the
principal periodontal ligament fibers they are called
Sharpey´s fibers. Although acellular extrinsic fiber
cementum is a quite constantly growing tissue,
appositional lines (Figure 2) represent the periodical
deposition of cementum layers in frequent association
with an abrupt change in the direction of Sharpey´s fibers12.
Moreover, as can be deducted from faster growth rates
on distal (4.3mm/year) than on mesial (1.4mm/year) root
surfaces 13 , acellular extrinsic fiber cementum has the
potential to adapt to functional alterations such as mesial
tooth drift. In humans, the extrinsic fibers traverse and
intermingles the intrinsic fiber cementum variety either
sporadically or densely arrayed in parallel; this mixed Fig. 3b: Higher magnification of previous image. Notice that the
canaliculi of cementocytes (*) have a tendency to be polarized and extend
cementum is referred to as cellular mixed stratified
toward the periodontal ligament side of the root. Unstained, 400x
cementum 6.

Origin and development of cementum

Based on the observation that populations of cementoblasts
are phenotipically distinct, some authors defended the
possibility that acellular and cellular cementum have
different developmental origin 14 . Some studies 15-16
suggested that cementoprogenitor cells arise from the
dental follicle proper, which is of ectomesenchymal origin
(that is, a derivative of the cranial neural crest). However,
as pointed out by Thomas & Kollar17, labeled cementoblasts
could also be of epithelial origin, since cells of the enamel
organ, which give rise to HERS, also incorporate 3H-
thimidine prior to transplantation in mice. More recent
ultrastructural and immunohistochemical studies support,
Fig. 2: Acellular cementum. At a higher magnification, notice indeed, the hypothesis that cementoblasts originate from
that this type of cementum has incremental lines of growth (arrow)
which are oriented parallel to the root surface. Tomes’ granular epithelial cells of HERS when they undergo an epithelial-
layer (*)and dentinal tubules (thin arrow) are also visible in the mesenchymal transformation 18-20 . There is increasing
field. evidence that Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath is actively
involved in the formation of both acellular and cellular
Diekwisch21 (2001), published an extensive literature review
on early cementogenesis and performed a detailed
morphological and molecular analysis to illustrate and verify
key issues in the current debate about epithelial and
mesenchymal contributions to root cementum. The author
demonstrated that prior to cementogenesis, Hertwig’s
epithelial root sheath disintegrates and dental follicle cells
penetrate the epithelial layer to invade the root surface.
Other studies confirmed that HERS became disrupted or
disintegrated prior to cementum deposition, and visualized
how mesenchymal cells from the dental follicle penetrated
the HERS bilayer and deposited initial cementum, while
immediately adjacent epithelial cells were separated from
Fig. 3a: Cellular cementum (arrow). It is characterized by the
presence of lacunae with canaliculi in which reside cementocytes. the root surface by a basal lamina and did not secrete any
However, the cells are absent in ground section preparations. cementum22-23. Human specimen from the Gottlieb collection
Unstained, 40x indicated that HERS was removed from the root surface

Braz J Oral Sci. 4(12): 651-658 Dental cementum reviewed: development, structure, composition, regeneration and potential functions

prior to cementum deposition. In situ hybridization and from the same teeth30-31, although not without exception32.
immunolocalization data revealed that both amelogenin Acellular extrinsic fiber cementum appears more highly
mRNAs and enamel proteins were restricted to the crown mineralized than cellular intrinsic fiber cementum and
enamel and were absent from the root surface and from the cellular mixed stratified cementum33, what can in part be
cervical-most ameloblasts adjacent to the root margin24-26. explained by the presence of uncalcified spaces, such as
On Western blots, cementum protein extracts did not cross- lacunae and by the uncalcified core of Sharpey’s fibers.
react with amelogenin antibodies 25 . These studies in Chemical analysis and physicochemical studies indicate
conjunction with a literature review together confirmed the that the mineral component is the same as in other calcified
theory of cementum as a dental follicle derived connective tissues; that is, hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2), with small
tissue that forms subsequent to HERS disintegration. amounts of amorphous calcium phosphates present34. Due
Briefly, cementogenesis begins with the deposition of a to its lower crystallinity of the mineral component
matrix on the dentin surface by Hertwig’s epithelial root (compared to other hard tissues), cementum has a greater
sheath, disruption of the HERS, migration and organization capacity for adsorption of fluoride and other elements over
by ectomesenchymal cells from the dental papilla, and their time but also more readily decalcifies in the presence of
subsequent differentiation into cementoblasts 25,27 . The acidic conditions 1.
matrix they produce surrounds cells producing cementum, As in other hard tissues, the hydroxyapatite of cementum
the cementoblasts, and the cementoblasts are generated is not pure, but contains other elements (ions) incorporated
by differentiation of progenitor cells, which in turn are into mineral phase during mineralization, depending on their
believed to arise from the dental follicle. concentration in the fluid environment. Over time, the
The fate of HERS following the onset of cementogenesis is concentration may change by additional uptake or
also controversial. Traditional thinking proposed that HERS substitution by other ions. Thus, cementum contains 0.5-
disintegrated into small clusters and/or strands of epithelial 0.9% magnesium35-36, about half that in dentin, and it is
cells that survived indefinitely in the periodontal ligament. lower at the surface than in deeper layers of cementum.
More recent studies have suggested that epithelial cells of The significance of the low Mg +2 content in cementum
the Hertwig’s root sheath undergo epithelial /mesenchymal remains obscure, but agrees with the notion that the
transformation into fibroblasts and cementoblasts, that composition of cementum is more similar to bone tissue
deposit acellular and cellular cementum, respectively1,28. The than to dentin. In contrast, the distribution of fluoride shows
possibility that some epithelial cells of the root sheath the opposite trend. Cementum have a high fluoride content
undergo epithelial/mesenchymal transformation and compared to other mineralized tissues (up to 0.9% ash
subsequently secrete cementum matrix must be investigated weight), and this concentration shows a general increase
further. There is evidence that cells of the inner layer of the with age and vary with fluoride supply to the individual, as
root sheath become incorporated in cellular cementum or it is in bone, dentin and enamel as well37. Cementum also
trapped between cementum and dentin during formation of contains 0.1-0.3% sulfur as a constituent of the organic
the apical part of the root29. The only incontrovertible fact matrix38, and a number of trace elements may be present in
is that many cells of the HERS retain an epithelial phenotype, concentrations detectable by electron microprobe analysis,
and survive in periodontal ligament as the epithelial rests in particular Cu +2 , Zn +2 and Na +2 36 ; however, their
of Malassez1,6. distribution and significance do not seem to have been
studied in detail.
Since cementum is not a uniform, mineralized connective Organic composition
tissue, differences in the proportional composition of the The organic matrix of cementum is composed primarily of
chemical constituents exist between the cementum varieties. collagens. Type I collagen plays structural as well as
Thus, the percentages of its chemical components may vary morphogenic roles and provides scaffolding for mineral
from sample to sample, particularly in different species. crystals; it is the major component, accounting for 90% of
Biochemical studies have shown that cementum has a similar all collagens. The type III collagen, which coats type I
composition to bone. To about equal parts per volume, collagen fibrils, accounts for only 5%3.
cementum is composed of water, organic matrix and mineral. Cementum contains two major non-collagenous proteins,
About 50% of the dry mass is inorganic, and consists of bone sialoprotein (BSP) and osteopontin (OPN). Both are
hydroxyapatite crystals. The remaining organic matrix phosphorilated and sulfated glycoproteins. These proteins,
contains largely collagens, glycoproteins and proteoglycans1. which are prominently expressed in acellular extrinsic fiber
cementum and acellular afibrillar cementum, bind tightly to
Mineral composition the collagenous matrices and hydroxiapatite, and they
Cementum is generally less mineralized than root dentin possess cell attachment properties through the Arg-Gly-Asp

Braz J Oral Sci. 4(12): 651-658 Dental cementum reviewed: development, structure, composition, regeneration and potential functions

(RGD) sequence, that binds to integrins39-40. Both proteins now considered to be an insulin-like growth factor1-like
are expressed during early tooth root development by cells molecule, with similar properties to those of IGF-1, but
along the root surface. Root surface cells express the BSP, larger than IGF-1 in molecular size51. The second molecule
and it is also present in mature teeth. In contrast, OPN is is a collagenous protein referred to as cementum attachment
present within the periodontal ligament region of the mature protein (CAP). Antibodies to CAP immunostain only
teeth. These two proteins are believed to play a major role in cementum and not other periodontal components or other
the differentiation of the cementoblasts progenitor cells to tissues52. In bovine tooth germs, the CAP is expressed by
cementoblasts 3. The BSP is believed to have adhesion cementoblasts, and in cementum its expression pattern is
function to root surface cells and to participate in initiating different from that of type I collagen53. CAP promotes the
mineralization. It is chemotatic to pre-cementoblasts and adhesion and spreading of mesenchymal cells; however, it
promotes their adhesion and differentiation41. Many cells promotes the adhesion of mineralized-tissue-forming cells,
express the OPN during periods of cementogenic activity. It preferentially 54-55.
regulates cell migration, differentiation, and survival through
the interaction with integrins, and also participates in Cementum and Periodontal Regeneration
inflammation by regulating monocyte-macrophage activation, Although the extent of injury and the amount of lost tissue
phagocytosis, and nitric oxide production. In teeth and that must be filled are important determinants, whether a
cementum, it may regulate biomineralization by at least two damaged tissue heals by regeneration or repair depends
mechanisms: regulating bone cell differentiation and matrix on two crucial factors: the availability of needed cell types
mineralization42. and the presence or absence of the cues, and signals
Fibronectin 43 , which is believed to bind cells to the necessary to recruit and stimulate these cells.
extracellular matrix, and tenascin are present in HERS during One major goal of regenerative periodontal therapy is new
odontoblast differentiation, and later at the attachment site cementum formation and restoration of soft tissue
of periodontal ligament to the root surface. Osteonectin, attachment to the cementum. This process requires
osteocalcin and laminin are other matrix components found cementoblasts, and the origin of cementoblasts and the
in cementum. Osteonectin is expressed by cementoblasts molecular factors regulating their recruitment and
producing cellular extrinsic fiber cementum and cellular differentiation are not fully understood. In vivo animal
intrinsic fiber cementum 44 . Osteocalcin appears to be models to evaluate cementogenesis during tooth
involved in the mineralization process45. The proteoglycans, development, the expression pattern of specific matrix
small proteins that are widely distributed in mammalian molecules, and in vitro studies about the effects of
species, are also present in cementum46. Biochemical analysis cementum components on periodontal cells have provided
of extracts of human cementum have identified chondroitin important knowledge on how cementum components can
sulfate, dermatan sulfate and hyaluronic acid47. regulate cementum regeneration3, 56-59. Although cementum
The enzyme alkaline phosphatase is believed to participate formation in rodents differs from that in humans 18, the
in cementum mineralization. In rat molars, the enzyme is observation of Liu et al (1997)60 indicates that periodontal
heterogeneously distributed in the periodontal ligament, ligament may be one source of cementoblasts progenitor
with the highest activity being found adjacent to alveolar cells in adult humans. These investigators demonstrated
bone and cementum. The enzyme activity adjacent to cellular that a small proportion of clones of cells cultured from
intrinsic fiber cementum is higher than that to acellular human periodontal ligament form cementum-like mineralized
extrinsic fiber cementum, and the thickness of the later nodules in culture, and also produce cementum-specific
correlates positively with the enzyme activity48. markers61. Cementoblasts may also be derived from stem
Several polypeptide growth factors with ability to promote cells present in the periodontal ligament, gingiva, and
proliferation and differentiation of putative cementoblasts alveolar bone, when the pool of available progenitors is
are found in cementum matrix. These include BMP-2, -3 likely to be reduced or absent; however, the molecules
and –4, PDGF, α-and β-FGFs, TGFβ, PTH and IGF-13-4,49. responsible for recruiting and differentiating these cells
While these molecules have been called growth factors, and the mechanisms involved remain to be better
their role during tooth development does not appear to be investigated 3 .
related to proliferative activity. In fact, some TGFbs and A variety of chemotatic factors, adhesion molecules, growth
PTH-related protein may have a role in regulating cell factors, and matrix constituents participate together in the
differentiation and subsequently mineralization49-50. recruitment of cementoblasts progenitors, their expansion
It is important to know that many of these components are and differentiation. For example, cementum contains
also present in bone; however, molecules unique to molecules that promote chemotatic migration, adhesion,
cementum have also been described. One of these is an proliferation and differentiation of some periodontal cells
IGF-1 isoform, referred to as cementum growth factor (CGF), types better than others, and these molecules are not

Braz J Oral Sci. 4(12): 651-658 Dental cementum reviewed: development, structure, composition, regeneration and potential functions

detectable in other periodontal structures 51-52,55,61-63 . proven cementum-like tissue following in vivo
Adhesion molecules that cause negative selection by transplantation into immunodeficient mice44,72.
excluding unwanted cells are also present in cementum54. One of the most important benefits of the establisment of
Thus, the cementum microenvironment contains all the such combined in vitro/in vivo models is that they will allow
components necessary for cell recruitment, proliferation and for elucidations of the relationship between osteoblasts
differentiation, and molecules from the circulation are not and cementoblasts, besides providing more information
necessary 44 . regarding the specific mechanisms involved in maintenance
All these observations underscore the importance of of cementum structure and function in humans on the
restoring or providing the cementum microenvironment to cellular and molecular level. Similarly, the in vitro/in vivo
initiate and promote new cementum formation. The integrity system can also be used for further elucidation of the modes
of cementum is altered by periodontal disease due to of action of current available regenerative products, such
deposition of bacterial endotoxins 64 , and diseased as Emdogain, with apparent cementum-growth-promoting
cementum is removed during periodontal therapy65. Dentin activities.
not covered by cementum undergoes resorption. Root This knowledge probably will allow for the development of
conditioning does not restore the original composition of strategies for regenerating cementum with cell-based
cementum local environment, and instead expose molecules, therapies, by means of recruiting cells with cementoblastic
especially type-I collagen, which has poor cell specificity65. potential, inducing their differentiation and excluding
The application of some growth factors is not likely to unwanted osteoblastic precursors. Furthermore, the use of
provide the complete repertoire of the needed molecules, these models allows for direct in vivo human
since the concentration and type of growth factor on experimentation, which may be particularly important,
cementum change continuously during the healing because cementum has been reported to differ between
process66. Similarly, while barrier membranes can facilitate species in some aspects of its physiology9-11. In principle,
population of the site by needed cells, they are not likely to cementogenic cells can be isolated from a relatively small
provide the local environment for their differentiation67 . specimen, expanded in culture, and subsequently
Further, providing enamel proteins 68, while likely to be transplanted to the same patient. Primary human
conductive to early cementogenesis, may not provide cementoblasts can be efficiently grown from dissected
appropriate environment for recruiting cementoblasts fragments of healthy root cementum treated with
progenitors in adults and for their differentiation. Indeed, colagenase: the culture conditions are fairly standard and
extracellular matrix components are expressed during it is possible to obtain large numbers (in the range of 108-
periodontal healing67,69; however, whether all molecules are 109) of committed cementogenic cells from a single tooth44,72.
expressed in adequate temporal sequence is not known. However, a significant drawback of this model is the
All these factors together may explain why cementum requirement that healthy teeth be extracted for the cultures
regeneration is not always predictable for the available to be established, since it is still not clear whether
regenerative procedures. cementogenic cells can be obtained, by this approach, of
Recent in vivo studies using rat periodontal defect models, aged and/or diseased patients. These drawbacks will
have shown that both BSP and OPN are expressed by cells probably lead, in near future, to the investigation of sources
linked to formation of mineralized tissues, while other than cementum for cell isolation (i.e.: periodontal
osteopontin is also expressed by cells within the newly ligament, gingiva, bone marrow).
formed periodontal ligament69. Future research directed at Once the cementogenic cells are selected and the molecules
overexpressing or blocking expression of these molecules critical for cementum regeneration are identified, the next
during periodontal wound healing should provide additional step may be to develop an efficient and relatively simple
information required to establish the real function of these delivery system to be used for periodontal regeneration.
molecules in mineralized tissues and also determine the This probably may be one of the major problems, since
value of using such agents clinically for enhancing cementum is a mineralized “interface” tissue, connecting
regeneration of periodontal tissues3. mineralized dentin and non-mineralized fibrous periodontal
ligament – what implies that a successful delivery system
Future directions on Cementum research should somehow reconcile these two distinct environments.
The development of the cementum research in the cellular In this concern, molecules such as CAP show some
and molecular fields is promising, since several laboratories promise 60-62, due to its mineral-binding domain. Several
have reported successful isolation and propagation of cells integrins as well as their natural ligands (e.g. collagens,
(from both animal and human sources) exhibiting an BSP, OPN) are known to be expressed by cementoblastic
apparent cementoblastic phenotype in vitro70-72. These cells cells67, implying that they may be important regulators of
have been shown, reproducibly, to form histologically cementogenesis. This also indicates that targeting integrin

Braz J Oral Sci. 4(12): 651-658 Dental cementum reviewed: development, structure, composition, regeneration and potential functions

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