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Vaccine Status Outbound Calls Script

IF YOU REACH VOICEMAIL: “Hi, my name is ______. I’m calling on behalf of the Anchorage
Health Department for [NAME]. We are calling to see if you have received your COVID-19
vaccination. If you need assistance finding a vaccine provider or if you have any general
questions about the vaccines you can call me back at 907-531-5100.”

SOMEONE ANSWERS: “Hi my name is _____, and I’m calling on behalf of the Anchorage
Health Department for [NAME]. Can I verify that I am speaking with [NAME]? We were
wondering if you have received your COVID-19 vaccination yet?”

If YES: “Great! Do you have any questions about your vaccination?”

If NO:
● “Do you need help with scheduling your vaccine?”
○ If they want to get scheduled give them OR
the state hotline 907-646-3322.
● “Do you have any questions about the vaccines that we can answer?”
○ Use the FAQs to answer any questions they have about the vaccines.
○ If they just have not gotten around to it yet, encourage them by saying
that the sooner everyone who can get vaccinated does, the sooner the
state can get back to “normal”
● “Is there anything you need to move forward with getting vaccinated?”

**If they insist that they are not interested in getting vaccinated, say “Thank you very much for
your time and have a nice day.”

**If they ask how we got their number, let them know we got it from the Anchorage Health
Department and we are reaching out to support people in Anchorage with getting the
COVID-19 vaccine. If they wish to verify this, provide them with our Vaccine Education Line
number: 907-531-5100

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