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Bego Tokic

Philosophy Statement
My philosophy of public health is that everyone should have full and equal access to the most
up-to-date, exemplary, finest quality of healthcare. I desire to provide every individual access to
this type of care and service. I will provide a grandiose environment where patients are
comfortable and thrive during their visits and feel satisfied with their experience. I strive to
become an occupational therapist (OTD) that provides rehabilitative services anyone can afford
and receive, especially those in need. One such group would be children with disabilities. I aim
to administer first-rate treatments to them with the purpose that they will develop and function
with absolute ease, without burdening the wallets of the parents who want to see their child
prosper. My goal is to set a precedent on the healthcare of not only occupational health but the
entire country; a goal that will put the patient first rather than the expenses of the service. My
desire to follow this path of public health is rooted in my impoverished family’s experience in
Bosnia, where education was for the citizens that could afford the expenses that were
incorporated. For those around me, sending any child to college was an unreachable dream. In
the US up until college schooling is free, except for the kids with disabilities that need extra help
to be able to get to school and do their work. I believe every child deserves the right to an
attainable education. I will guide the children into confidence, to make sure they believe they can
learn in a system that is not made for them. They will be self-sufficient and fully capable of
continuing their education with no stress of their type of disability.
Public health is one of the most gratifying fields. I can help people in need and the feeling of
helping someone cannot be beaten. Continuously assisting those, who otherwise would not have
had the opportunity, to increase their quality of life is delightful. Public health to me is the
antidote to poison. This is the solution I want to be a part of and will contribute everything to
prosper. Understanding in detail what makes someone's wellness complete is due to many
factors; financial and physical wellness are the two most important factors contributing to health.
I can use my knowledge to become the answer to both of those for someone. I can provide access
to free healthcare helping not only their current health needs but also their physical and financial
wellness. Becoming an OTD will allow me to give people access to healthcare needs no one has
offered. I do not want anyone to choose between two options that are vitally important when they
can receive both.
I will graduate with my bachelor's in public health after I will attend a doctorates program to
become an OTD. I plan to work in a rehabilitation center during the doctorate program to gain
knowledge and experience in the field I wish to work in. Learning from experienced doctors is
worth more than what any book can teach you. Getting into the mind of a health provider and
receiving information can be useful for many applications. Learning from their success and
mistakes can improve your skills vastly. Going into the doctorate program, I hope to be able to
use that experience to help me with my studies. The doctorate program will provide me a
pathway into my licensure. Once I become an OTD I have completed the impossible dream my
country always has. I received the education that will allow me to give to the ones who do not
expect to ever receive. Once I become an OTD society is going to have a great awakening, I will
use every credit hour to pursue the distribution of free and equal health care to all, one patient at
a time. I hope to see a hospital under my name where the satisfactory rates are at 100%. My
influence will grow patient by patient, then city-wide, then eventually nationwide.

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