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Nama : M.

NIT : 07 19 018 1 53
Kelas : D-III Nautika Mandiri

Competence : Use English in written and oral forms and Use the
IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases
Training outcome : Adequate knowledge of the English language to use
and communicate related to maps and other nautical
Topic : Emergencies
Indicators : Able to discuss about the situation in which a sailor
needs to use English
Meeting : 4

A maritime emergency is any serious distress to a vessel or her crew

Task 1 . Speaking: What do you think about these pictures below? Can you think about
the causes? (record your spoken explanation and attach the file in ms word)
a. b. c.

Gambar B.m4a Gambar C.m4a

Gambar A.m4a

Task 2. Vocabulary
Task 3. Grammar
Study these three sentences. Which sentence is about something that has happened (past)?
Which sentence is about something happening now (present continuous)? Which sentence
is an order (present)?
1) The vessel collided with the jetty. (Past)
2) We are sinking fast. (Present Continuous)
3) Change to Channel One Zero. (Present)

Task 4. Put the correct form of verbs into the spaces in these sentences.

1. Are drifting
2. Swamp
3. Collided
4. Are Sinking
5. Capsized

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