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Name: _______________________

Date : _______________________
A. Drag and Drop: Choose the words based on its meaning. (from textbook pg 3)

appreciate unbelievable wizard ferocious cruel

mysterious genius miserable encounter survive

1. = someone who has an unusually high level of intelligence, mental, skill or
ability (genius)

2. = someone who is very good at something. (pakar)

3. = to understand how serious or important a situation or problem is or what

someone’s feeling are. (menghargai)

4. = frightening and violent (garang)

5. = very difficult to believe and therefore probably untrue (sukar dipercayai)

6. = extremely unhappy (sengsara)

7. = extremely unkind or unpleasant and causing pain to people or animals

intentionally (kejam)

8. = strange, not known, or not understood. (misteri)

9. = to continue to live normally (hidup)

10. = a meeting, especially one that happens by chance. (pertemuan)

B. Fill in blank by using the words in A.

1. Ben’s a real __________________ at chess.
2. The thing he had heard about her were __________________.
3. My father was a __________________ at storytelling.
4. I’ve had a tough few months, but I’ll __________________.
5. I’ve been so __________________ since Pat left me.
6. Her father had been very __________________ to her when she was a child.
7. She’s got a __________________ temper.
8. When I got home, I found a __________________ message sellotaped to the front door.
9. His first __________________with Blackpink was back in 2018.
10. We really __________________ everything you’ve done for our daughter.

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