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Learning the verbs is important.

Make student writing down verbs and listen.

Be aware of the question, and know where to put it. Listen to the keyword
Writing down more and more sentences.

Make students learning on spot

Improve memories.

With the book 1 note:

improve the book change lesson 6 into figuring out menu and change the images for the food.
Listening and here the vowels and tones,
People in your family
Write the prelude, preword
Include homework
Make use of momentum to teach

With the book 2:

Include and make students write out longer sentences.
Remember the word choice and question choice. Make flashcards for question words
Remember the connection word and preposition.
Remember the time the day, the morning, the day of the weeks, the adverb of frequency
Including adverbs with your questions.
Story telling for improving the knowledge and flow
Bắt đầu, Tiếp tục, Kết thúc

Describing the house and the room of the house. Including picture in it.
Structure that with the question thế nào? To ask for adjectives

Consistency is difficult man

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