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Message to my future self

When I’m a 30 years old I wish I could go back and see how my life has evolved so I am
writing a message to myself adult and I hope that when I read it, I will realize that I have
achieved all my goals and that I am a truly accomplished person.
I have been thinking about what my future will look like and as I try to answer some
questions, more and more arise.
I am a currently freshman in highschool. I have been waiting for so long to start this new
life stage that I’m under the impression that I do not really enjoy it. I hope you remember
it dearfully.
What kind of person are you now? I hope you have passed over the fear of speaking in
public and the shyness, I’m still struggling with this.
Where do you work? As far as I know myself now, you have probably changed your mind
countless times until you finally decided what you wanted to do. Did you become a
successful policewoman?
I’ve always imagined what my family will look like: a husband, two children and a lot of
company animals. Maybe you no longer argue with mom, you must have realised that she
was right about everything, as she keeps saying ” you’ll see I ’m right when you grow up.”
Whith Cristi, our brother, how do you get along? I”m sure that you have stopped fighting
over trifles. Are you closer? The other day we promise that we would be united forever. I
hope none of us has broken this promise.
What do you do in your spare time? Now, I’m still taking dancing classes and I am already
regret that I will have to quit some day.
I am curious wether my preferences have changed over the years. At this moment, I am
keen on tulips, jelly and all the things that are blue. You know I love travelling. I’ve always
imagined that when I am your age I will have travelled all over the world and seen
unforgetable places.
Well, there are so many questions, but I’m sure I will answer them myself throughout life. I
wish I know so much about the future… but if I knew everything, I would miss out on the
most interesting part, the unpredictable one. So, you know something? I’ve changed my
mind again! It’s so like me! Don’t tell me anything… or just tell me to just live and enjoy

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