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International Biz Political Environment


Lecturer | 13 March 2020, 10:30:21 AM
Sistem Politik2
Selamat Pagi Teman2 Mahasiswa

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Resiko Politik dan Bisnis

Dalam dunia praktis resiko bisnis yang terkait dengan praktek politik di suatu juga
dapat digolongkan menjadi 3 jenis resiko yaitu :

1. Transfer Risk

2. Operational Risk

3. Ownership Control Risk

Penjelasan dan contoh masing2 seperti dibawah ini

1.Capital Transfer Risk

Government policies that limit the transfer of capital, payments, production and
technology in and out of the country

Tariffs on exports and imports

Restrictions on exports
Dividend remittance
Capital repatriation
2.Operational risks

Government policies and procedures that directly constrain management and

performance of local operations

Price controls
Standardization barrier
Financing restrictions
Local sourcing requirements
3.Ownership control risks

Government policies or actions that inhibit ownership or control of local


Foreign-ownership limitations
Pressure for local participation
Abrogation of proprietary rights
Source: John D. Daniels,Lee H. Radebaugh,Daniel P. Sullivan. (2013). International

Hal diatas baik untuk diketahui namun tdk perlu dihafal

Yang penting anda harus ingat bahwa dalam menjalankan usaha

tugas manajer atau pebisnis adalah

meminimalkan resiko bisnis

sementara ada hal2 diluar perusahaan yg tidak bisa dikontrol

Dari resiko2 seperti tersebut diatas apa yg dapat dipikirkan oleh pebisnis?

Salah satu alternatifnya adalah dengan Political Risk Insurance

Apa itu Political Risk Insurance ?

Political risk insurance provides financial protection to investors, financial

institution and businesses that face the possibility of losing money because of
political events.

Political risk insurance protects against the possibility that a government will
take some action that causes the insured to experience a large financial loss.

Political risk insurance can cover many possibilities, such as expropriation

(e.g., government confiscation � take over of property), political violence (e.g.,
acts of civil unrest or insurrection), the inability to convert local currency and
repatriate it, sovereign debt default and even acts of terrorism and war.

Apa manfaat Political Risk Insurance ?

While developing markets can present a great opportunity for business growth, they
also present greater risks than developed markets.

Political turbulence can cause assets to decline severely in value or be destroyed

or confiscated and lose value altogether.

Without political risk insurance, businesses would be especially reluctant to

operate in developing countries with above average levels of political instability
that threaten their assets and their ability to operate smoothly.

Siapa yang memerlukan Political Risk Insurance ?

Types of companies that might purchase political risk insurance include

multinational corporation (MNC/MNE) , exporters, banks and infrastructure

Policies are customized to each client�s needs. They can cover one or multiple
countries and can have lengthy terms and multimillion-dollar coverage amounts.

Tentunya ada cost yg harus dikeluarkan untuk premi asuransi seperti diatas sebagai
pertimbangan bagi pebisnis

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