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Dialogue About Antenatal Care (ANC) Beetwen Midwife and Patient

Compiled By :
Group 8

Fernanda Dian Shafira P3.

Shabrina Rizqi Angraeni P3.

Class 4A


TAHUN 2021
Patient : “Excuse me, good morning”
Midwife : “Morning Ma’am, come in. Please sit down Ma’am. My name is Dian as
midwife on duty today. What is your name?”
Patient : “thank you. My name Rara.”
Midwife : “can i help you? I think it’s my first time seeing you”
Patient : “i want to check my pregnancy. Yes, this is my first time coming here
because soon I want to give birth so I live with my parents, and the house is
not far from here.”
Midwife : “all right. May i see the KIA book?”
Patient : “of course.”
Midwife : “okay. So this is your second pregnancy Ma’am. The first child was born
normally, right, without complications?”
Patient : “Yes, Alhamdulillah. The first child was born in a normally in the midwife.”
Midwife : “Okay, What do you feel today about your pregnancy?”
Patient : “I urinated frequently at night and had pain in my lower abdomen”
Midwife : “Now your gestational age is 36 weeks, and what you feel is normal.
Because, the more gestational age, the bigger the fetus will put more pressure
on the bladder. The fetus will also increasingly find the birth canal.”
Patient : “It’s okay, mrs?”
Midwife : “Yes Ma’am. Now, let me check your weight and blood pressure.”
Patient : “Okay”
Midwife : “Today your height 68kg and blood pressure 120/80 mmHg.”
Patient : “This is normal right?”
Midwife : “Yes Ma’am. Now, you can lie here for further check.”
Patient : “Okay “
Midwife : “Alhamdulillah everything is normal Ma’am. Nothing swelling of the face,
hands or feet. Good fetal position, normal fetal heart rate”.
Patient : “Alhamdulillah”
Midwife : “The examination has been completed Ma’am, please sit back. I will explain
the results of today's examination”
Patient : “Okey mrs.”
Midwife : “At this time the mother and fetus are in good health. Because the mother has
complaints of frequent urination, you should drink less at night to reduce
Patient : “Okey mrs, I will try to do it. Sometimes I also feel pain in my back.”
Midwife : “It's okay Ma’am. This is natural because of the influence of the mother's
growing stomach. Mother must pay attention to sitting position, position
from sitting to standing, and sleeping position. While sitting, you can use
pillow on your back to make it feel comfortable. When the position is from
sitting to standing, you can lean a little first, and when you sleep you can
alternate between the left and right positions so you don't get too sore on
one side. You can also ask your husband or family to help you rub and do a
light massage on your waist or back to make you feel more comfortable.”
Patient : “Oh I see. Thank you for the advice, I will try to do it.”
Midwife : “Yes Ma’am, you are welcome. keep spirit with your pregnancy. By the way,
do you still remember about the signs of labor?”
Patient : “Of course. The signs include frequent heartburn, blood mucus, and amniotic
Midwife : “Good, that is right Ma’am. If there are signs of labor, the mother can
immediately come to the clinic. Now start preparing maternity equipment
such as clothes for mothers and babies.”
Patient : “Okey mrs. I have prepared it.”
Midwife : “The nipples have started to be cleaned with cotton wool using baby oil,
Patient : “Oh I see.”
Midwife : “I give this vitamin, don't forget to drink it every day, Ma’am.”
Patient : “Okey Ma’am.”
Midwife : “Today's checkup is enough, Ma’am, is there anything else you want to ask?
Is there something you still don't understand?”
Patient : “I understand Ma’am. When will I check it back, Ma’am?”
Midwife : “One more week, Ma’am. Or if you have a complaint you can come directly
to the clinic.”
Patient : “Thank you very much Ma’am.”
Midwife : “You are welcome. Don’t forget to read a KIA book and take care of health.”
Patient : “Yes Ma’am, I will say goodbye, excuse me, Assalamuallaikum.”
Midwife : “Yes Ma’am, Waalaikumsallam.”

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