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KATHMANDU UNIVERSITY DESIGN STUDIO-IV TIME PROBLEM WELCOME TO | MANASLU REGIONI Manaslu: “mountain of the spirit” Region, is a remote mountainous region in the northern part of Gorkha District, which is being a popular trekking destination in recent years. It has a fragile but diverse natural resource base and a rich cultural environment. The paths of Manaslu region hold enthralling landscapes, panoramic vistas of grand mountains, and nineteen wooded areas holding rhododendron and bamboo trees as well as the home for diverse floras and faunas. Modernization and commercialization have not yet touched upon the goodness of the local people's lifestyle. There are two ethnicities mainly inhabiting this region; Nubri and Tsum. The branching off the river at Chhikur divides these two ethnic 2 4 domains. While Nubri has been frequently visited after Nepal opened itself for the SS tourism in 1950, Tum still retains much of its traditional culture, art, and tradition. There is a long-term perspective in Manaslu area. This valley is a sanctuary to many highly endangered animals, over 110 species of birds, 33 mammals, 11 butterflies, Beda, and three reptiles have recorded. Medicinal herbs and aromatic plants have also = been recorded in different forest types and adjoining vegetation. Overall, the presence of 19 types of forests and other forms of dominant vegetation have been recorded from the area. An estimated 1,500-2,000 plant species grow here. For Nepal, this is a valuable area we mustn't lose. \ | The gradual increase of temperatures is already ftelt in Manaslu region. The lakes that did not exist before are being seen. This is proof that glaciers are melting. Buildings built area at the top regions are resting on top of permanently frozen, hard ground, f the permafrost melts, the buildings will sink into the earth and collapse. The rising temperature has already led to several avalanches with fatal consequences for inhabitants of Mansalu area and destroyed many buildings. Nevertheless, despite this high number of people flow is being recorded in that area . in recent years. Why would our country spend resources on supporting a un community in that area? Is it only for the trails? DATE: 1/08/2019 PAGE:I THE TASK A Twenty-Second Century Settlement 1. Write Present a person, real or fictitious, who you suggest could move to Manaslu today. Give us their name or title, and tell us why they should live in Manaslu. Maximum 60 words! 2. Draw Illustrate the first structure, building or intervention that this person would need for their activities in Manaslu. Moreover, suggest a location for it. 3. Draw 100 years later. A settlement or a community has grown from the place with this person lived. Illustrate the area. Minimum requirement: a section and plan of the area. If the area is large, your drawings can be schematic. If you draw too small details, we will not be able to see them, so make it readable in Al size. 4, Write Shortly describe the key features of the settlement. Up to 200 words! EXAMPLES The person you choose can be almost anyone. They can be a celebrity or a family member. They can be either a scientist or a poet, who travels to Manaslu to study its winds. Or they can be an international criminal who can take advantage of Manaslu rural area to hide his identity and start a new life of his ‘own. On the other hand, they can be someone who has fallen outside of national belonging; they can be an employee at a tourist rescue team who has settled down at Manaslu to start a family, even though there are very few children in the area. Or they can simply be your grandmother who wants to bake cinnamon rolls to the cold inhabitants of the Manaslu. By choosing a person you choose a context — you choose which aspect of the land you will focus on. EVALUATION CRITERIA 1. Creativity. Think for yourself. Surprise us! 2. Be critical. Say something about the world! 3, Tell a story. We will emphasize coherence between the different parts of the assignment, over realism. DATE: 1/08/2019 PAGE: 2

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