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The interview between James Corden and Jimmy Kimmel discussed about how James Corden who

originally came from Britain settled in talking using American accent while living in America and doing a
unique carpool karaoke inside a plane with Kanye West. This is a proper unscripted interview which can
be seen from how they shift their topics. A similarity is shared between the two participants as they are
both celebrities who host a television show. However, there are some distinctions in the way they are
questioning and answering each other as they also have differences in things such as social class,
nationality, accent and even choices of dixies.

Throughout the whole conversation, both of them used an informal English Language. The context of the
language used is casual or colloquial in which they used day-to-day English in order to make their
conversation to be more understandable and entertaining to any types of audience. However, there are
some slang and impolite words such as sh*t when they talked about the carpool karaoke but the slang and
impolite words did not lessen the respect between the two speakers.

In terms of social group, they shared almost the same social group as they are both well-known celebrities
hosting a television show. Despite having similar social class, Corden came as a guest in Kimmel’s show
at that time which means that Corden has a slightly higher and respected position as a guest in Kimmel’s
show. Despite of Corden having a British background that really considers about age and social class and
although their age difference is quite far, with Corden being eleven years younger, this seems not to be a
problem for both speakers. This can be seen from the way Corden addressed Kimmel using his first name
which is Jimmy.

The differences of accent and pronunciations are very easily heard between the two speakers. Corden’s
pronunciation in words such as weird, teachers or choir where his pronunciation of ‘r’ sound is more
weaken rather than Jimmy’s ‘r’ sound pronunciation which can be clearly heard throughout the entire talk
show. Then, Corden’s pronunciation of ‘e’ sound in words such as cancel or carry becomes more to an
‘ah’ sound. These pronunciations of ‘e’ that are often bought up into a schwa sound conveys to the
research done by William Labov, where he stated that post-vocalic/r/ or the schwa sound is mostly used
in Scottish and British English. However, given the fact that Corden has spent quite some time in
America, he does not use Received Pronunciation (RP) or British Queen’s English that often, the example
where he used RP is when he said the slang ‘ey’ where in America, it’s pronounced as ‘eh’. On the other
side, Kimmel used a strong American pronunciation where the /r/ sound is vey audible and almost no
schwa sound which obeys the nature of American accent.
Generally, Corden talks more rather than Kimmel since he was the guest star. Both Kimmel and Corden
both tend to use imperfect grammar, which approves the research done by Deborah Tannen where men
are most likely to disregard the grammatical rules and tend to use more ordinary adjectives than women.
This can be seen from the adjectives Kimmel and Corden used such as only amazing or great, while
women tend to use more evaluative adjectives such as lovely, beautiful or gorgeous.

In conclusion, both speakers converse well with their own different accents and styles without
considering any social class or groups. Their communication skills in shifting topics and answering the
questions are also very outstanding which might be due to their job and background as a host of a talk
show. Despite the conversation being very casual or colloquial with some slang and impolite terms, it did
not make any controversy or misunderstanding between the two speakers or also between the audience.

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