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Calumpita, Ron Ron R.

March 28, 2021

IR-156 Att. Sartillo

Homework #1

"The President is the most powerful in the Philippines."

According to Article VI, Section 1 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution

says that executive power shall be vested in the president. As the only person
to which the constitution vests the absolute executive power exercise, the
president is, therefore, the government's most powerful official. We all know
that the Philippines is widely recognized for its democratic republic, wherein
the president is both the head of the state and the government's head. The
Philippines president is the executive of the Philippines' government and no
other, and that all executive authority is thus vested in him. His first and
foremost duty is to ensure the faithful execution of laws: the constitution and
all laws lawfully enacted by the Philippines congress.

Even though the Philippine president is elected directly by its people gives him
or her a sense of power. General enumeration of presidential powers can be
dangerous in the hands of an unscrupulous person or one who is hungry for
power. One of the president's powers is the declaration of Martial Law.
Furthermore, in September 1972, martial law was declared by Marcos. His
declaration confirms power-seeking officials.

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