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Calumpita, Ron Ron R.

March 28, 2021

IR-156 Att. Sartillo

Homework #3

Purpose of life

When I think about my life's real purpose, I always thought of becoming

the one I dreamed about, the one I always wanted to be, the things I wanted to
achieve, and how I can contribute to the nation. I never really thought about
how I can help my country in the future, how I can be happy and contented
with all the things in front of me. I always think about self-interest, helping my
parent, and paying their sacrifice to have a better life and all the things I
wanted in the future, not realizing that I also need to be a good citizen of my
nation. That I need to help my country, in a bit of a way as possible, as long as
I support the nation's improvement.

Growing up, I always envy rich people who can have anything they want by
buying it quickly. I always thought that when you are rich, you are a
successful person, that all of the things you do, money will always get involved.
However, I slowly realized that this is not right; this kind of mindset will
negatively impact me. That is on me, I know I will never be happy in that kind
of attitude, and I need to work even more to understand myself. Right now, I
am still in progress. We cannot quickly get what we want in life; It will never be
easily given to us. And that will always be the reality of life. We can all achieve
our dreams and our never-ending wants. But we need to remember that we
also need to develop our attitude towards other people. Knowing how to respect
ourselves, others, and of course, our nation. It will determine how much you
realize how important it is to be a just man.

As for now, because of the pandemic, my purpose in life is limited. My main

goal and my number one priority are to learn. It will be served an instrument to
fulfill my duty as a citizen, son, and student. I may not fully know my purpose
in life, but whatever it will be, I will see to it that it will help me to grow more as
a person and as a good citizen. I will also make myself believe that all of the
hardship, struggles, or challenges will always be paid back. Whatever happens,
it will always have a reason, which I can learn from it. (416 words)

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