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9/9/2019 Siemens Documentation: Add Location After

Add Location After

The Add Location After option is a path editing tool that enables you to add via locations to a path after the currently-selected location in order to avoid a collisions. The additional via
locations cause the robot to change its path of movement and to avoid the collision zone. A collision usually occurs between the gun and the parts, or between the gun, the robot, the
parts and the workstation fixtures. By adding additional via locations, collisions are avoided, enabling the robot to complete all its tasks quickly and efficiently.

Note If the current selection is a seam location, the new location is created after the end of the seam.

To add a location after:

1. In the Graphic Viewer, select the location after which to add a via location.

2. Choose Operation tab → Add Location group → Add Location After . A via point is created and added after the selected location. The robot moves to the location, and the
Robot Jog dialog is displayed, as shown below.

3. Using the Robot Jog manipulator, fine-tune the position of the via location by moving the TCP frame outside of the collision range.
4. When you are satisfied with the position of the new via location, click Close. The new via location, which was created between two locations, is created and displayed between the
two locations in the Operation Tree. By default, all via locations are named via# (where # is an incremented number used to create unique names).

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