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9/9/2019 Siemens Documentation: Apply Path Template

Apply Path Template

Process Simulate enables you to define operation actions in an XML template and apply the actions to multiple operations. You can set parameters and OLP commands for locations,
add approach and depart via locations, and set their coordinates. You can define many actions in the XML template and apply them with a single click, saving repetitive manual
configuration, increasing productivity, and reducing errors.
The robotic templates are XML files stored in dedicated folders. Each robot controller has a folder for its template files which is created during controller installation and is located
under \EmPower\Robotics\Olp\<Controller name >\ PathTemplateConfiguration\. For information on how to compose robotic path template files, refer to the Robotics Customized User
Interface Reference Manual.
To apply path template actions:

1. Choose Operation tab → Templates group → Apply Path Template . The Apply Path Template Action dialog appears.

Note You can select one or more robotic or compound robotics operations either before launching the Apply Path Template Action, or after it displays. All the operations must
be assigned to the same robot.

2. Click Select to display the Select template action to apply list, select an action, and click Set.
3. Click Refresh to refresh the Apply Path Template Action dialog and reread the customized OLP, motion, data, and pathTemplate XML files. If necessary, make further changes to
the XML files and click Refresh again.
4. Click Apply. Process Simulate applies the action and displays a log file describing the status of the action.
5. Apply more actions, as required.
6. Click OK to close the dialog.

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