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9/9/2019 Siemens Documentation: Copying and Moving Locations

Copying and Moving Locations

In Path Editor and Operation Tree, you can copy or move locations between operations, using copy-paste, cut-paste, or drag and drop. The system preserves as much location
information as possible during such reassignment. The following system frames are preserved if they can be matched by the target operation (the assigned robot must have a compliant
controller type): Tool frame, Object Frame, Remote TCP, Work Tool (Work Tool frame has higher priority than Tool Frame when matching the system frames).
The following figure shows the matching frames kr2210_rob2.uf2 and kr2210_rob3.uf2 of robots rob2 and rob3 in the Operation Tree.

Note Location reevaluation and system frame updates are performed automatically when a new robot is assigned to the operation.
All locations are treated separately.

If there are no matches, the system frame information is removed from the location.

The following example relates to the FANUK robot controller but applies equally to all custom robot controllers.
If you set a specific frame for a location:

When copying the location, the frame information is retained:

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