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[MUSIC] The internet is a wide area network,

the wide area network, and that's generally the network that we
want to communicate with eventually. So we're going to talk about the general
structure of a wide-area network. These pictures are pretty high level,
but they give you the general picture of what a wide-area network like the
Internet would be, how it's composed, and what the different
components are inside there. So a wide-area network, like the Internet, is a
it's a combination of local area networks. So if you think about the Internet,
it's very ad-hoc. There's no regularity, meaning like
right now, if I wanted to, I could build a network right here in this building,
and it would be added to the Internet. I could give it a name, and
it would be part of the Internet. And so the Internet isn't one of
these networks that's controlled and well-structured. Unlike the local area
networks that
you see at your place of work, or at a school, where you have some I.T. department,
I.T. group, and they
constrain how the thing is put in there. They say, look,
every time a machine comes in here, you've got to register it this way. We only
approve of this and that. And they put the equipment into
the building for you, and all that. So it's very structured. But, generally, wide
the internet specifically, is pretty unstructured, right? There is some minimal
structure, there
has to be, but it's fairly unstructured. So at a low level, at the leaf level,
local area network level, there can be any number of different local area
network types involved in the internet, just depending on what
people want locally. So you start off with local area networks. You've got our
local area network and you've got several hosts,
Host one, two, three, and these hosts suggest confrontational
devices that on the network. So basically computers or IOT devices. And they are
all communicating
with a component. Now in this picture we have a switch. It could be hub or a
switch. A hub is a network component
that has several input ports. We're assuming wired right now. This can also be all
done wirelessly,
but let's talk wired for a minute. It's got several input ports,
input-output ports, like in this case, this switch has three ports, right? So you
could have a hub
there that has three. And any time a packet is sent on
one of the ports it is reflected, copied to the other ports. So if host one sends a
message to anybody, that same message is spit
out to codes two and three. So both of them get the message. That's what a hub
does. A switch is more intelligent. A switch says look, it looks at the packet
header to see where it's going. So if host one sends a message to
the switch and it looks at the destination message is host three, then the switch
there is smart enough to know that that message should only be
send to host three not to host two. So the switch is more intelligent
about where it sends messages to, where a host is more dumb. But you got a host or
switch somewhere
in there that transmits data between the different input ports and
output ports. So generally, LANs look like this. Now, you can have larger LANs,
which involve multiple protocols. So you see on the left you've got a LAN, on the
right you've got a LAN,
you can combine them with a bridge. The bridge can communicate
different LAN protocols. So maybe you got these LANs and one group, one department
in the University decides
they want to use this particular protocol, another department uses another
particular protocol, but they want their machines to communicate so
they put a bridge in between. And the bridge basically
talks both protocols and can do conversions between the two. So you can group
together these LANs into
larger LAN components, let's call them. It's not a single LAN any more, you can
have multiple protocols that
are glued together by this bridge. Now, a wide area network is a set of these
LAN's all put together with routers. So if you look at this network, this is by
the way is a vastly simplified internet. But you got a bunch of LAN's, and
they are all communicating to routers. And then the routers can communicate
with each other to pass data. So, one LAN can communicate
with a completely different LAN through these routers. So you notice every message
is sent
from one machine to another has to, has many hops, what are called hops. Has to go
through several different
machines before it reaches Is the destination. So if you want to go from one LAN to
another, you might leave this LAN and go to this router, and then go to
another router and another router and then finally back to the destination
LAN and then to the host. So there is a sequence of hops,
it is called routes, actually, of hops that you have to go
through to reach your destination. And so with these routers,
they are organized. This is very simple, it's only three,
but and realities a vast hierarchy of these routers and they have intelligent
protocols that determine where they should send the packet next to reach its
destination most quickly and avoid flow. You don't want to have one router
that receives too much data, maybe all the messages are running through
one router, you'd like to spread out that data across the entire network, so that
the one router doesn't get bogged down. So there are lots of protocols
along those lines, and the internet involves protocols
like that to level out the traffic. Thank you. [MUSIC]

Different lan protocols are client server lan and peer to peer lan
efficiently deliver data over shorter distance through various medium
A network protocol is an established set of rules that determine how data is
transmitted between different devices in the same network.
Essentially, it allows connected devices to communicate with each other, regardless
of any differences in their internal processes,
structure or design.

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