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SAP 70078429
Question 1: Demonstrate the strategic importance of Gwadar Port.


Gwadar geographical location holds an advantage to keep watch on regional and

extra-regional powers (marines) of the zone and also on shipping operation from Strait of
Hormuz .The significance of the location is serious concern for policy designers of Western
countries and India The real key to this vital Pakistan port lies with its close proximity to the
Strait of Hormuz – the body of water that lies between the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman.
It’s estimated that some 20% of the world’s petroleum supplies pass through the Strait on an
annual basis but until Gwadar port came along, there was no significant deep sea port available
that was close enough and big enough to take advantage of this fact. The Gwadar port city is
located at around 600 km from the Strait of Hormuz and in global shipping terms, that’s close
enough for a world of opportunities to open.

This strategic Gwadar port importance is underlined by the fact that the city is a focal
point of the CPEC project. Among the many developments in prospect in 2019 and beyond,
Gwadar is expected to become a big part of China’s Belt and Road initiative, which improves
infrastructure in the Middle East. China is putting its weight behind a number of CPEC projects
and while the Saudis are not official members of the alliance as yet, they are funding a
multibillion dollar oil projects in Gwadar. All of this has resulted in significant job creation and a
property development boom as this strategic port city continues to thrive.

Question 2: Outline (Enlist) Major Industries of Pakistan. Also explain the

problems faced by the industrial sector.


Major Industries of Pakistan are Following:-

• Mining and quarrying.

• Fuel extraction industry.
• Manufacturing.
• Automotive Industry.
• Technology.
• Construction.
.Frequent power short fall

For industries power is like blood running through the veins of a

living being as long as power is regularly supplied to industries they run smoothly and result in
the increase of industries output and ultimately increase in the foreign exchange.

Government Policies
Industrial sector growth depends upon government policies. Unfortunately the
government of Pakistan has yet not decided whether her economy be industrial or agricultural in
nature Despite these facts the government trying to make best policies for industries or other

Lack of capital:-
Industrial in Pakistan also lack of enough capital in the shape of money
that can be used expand and developed the industries Power short fall more taxes and less
production result in the fewer sales of goods that causes capital insufficiency

Problem of Industrial Labors

Though industrial labor class in Pakistan has may
problem and in some industries they have not even access in basic rights

Political Instability

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