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University of Quindío

Abel Felipe Ramirez Beltrán

Professor Ramirez
Reading Comprehension and Writing III
October 27/2020
Self-poisoning: alcohol abuse

While indulging in an occthe asional alcoholic beverage is unlikely to harm your health, heavy
drinking can have substantial negative effects on your body, well-being, and social life, to the point
where drinking becomes an addiction and you can no keep at bay. Alcohol abuse is a serious problem, it
is a pattern of drinking too much alcohol too often, and it interferes with your daily life. You may be
experiencing alcohol abuse if you drink too much alcohol at one time or too often during the week. One
of the many effects that this has is alcohol can affect your health in many ways that can be complex to
overcome since they affect the body in a general way, as abnormal activation of digestive enzymes
produced by the pancreas. The buildup of these enzymes can lead to inflammation known
as pancreatitis. Pancreatitis can become a long-term condition and cause serious complications.
Moreover, increases your risk for chronic liver inflammation and liver disease. The scarring caused by
this inflammation is known as cirrhosis. The formation of scar tissue destroys the liver. As the liver
becomes increasingly damaged, it has a harder time removing toxic substances from your body. At the
same time, alcohol can reduce communication between your brain and your body. This makes
coordination more difficult, you may have a hard time balancing. As alcohol causes more damage to
your central nervous system, you may experience numbness and tingling sensations in your feet and
hands. Drinking also makes it difficult for your brain to create long-term memories. It also reduces your
ability to think clearly and make rational choices. Secondly, alcohol can make you have social problems
that can damage your interpersonal relationships and also make the people around you suffer. Because
alcohol can reduce your inhibitions and lead you to behave in a way you normally wouldn’t. You may
commit a crime, behave in an antisocial way, or do something embarrassing. Your behavior could affect
your friendships, your work, and your family. If you drink a lot or become dependent on alcohol, you
could end up spending a lot of money on your drinking. Likewise, the friends of an addict may often feel
like they are pressured to take part in similar behavior as their friend. In the case of an addict, it may
mean that they feel the pressure to take part in the same drug abuse. And drinking can impair how a
person performs as a parent, a partner as well as how contributes to the functioning of the household it
can have lasting effects on their partner and children, for instance through home accidents and
violence. Last but not least alcohol can make you have financial problems that can bankrupt you and
make you have a more suffering and miserable life, firstly if you drink a lot or become dependent on
alcohol, you could end up spending a lot of money on your drinking. Secondly, medical treatments to
treat alcoholism can be quite expensive because there must be the intervention of various specialists
such as psychologists, psychiatrists, nutritionists, and even support groups. Finally, may suffer other
economic problems such as lower wages and lost employment opportunities, increased legal expenses,
and decreased eligibility for loans. On the whole, the consequences of excessive alcohol consumption
can be disastrous. As well as the discomforts that it can cause in our life. This problem arises on many
occasions due to problems that we cannot handle and we look for easy and instantaneous solutions to
our suffering and affect our entire life, from health to what surrounds us. Likewise, it can be said that if
you have willpower and if you want, you can stop taking, with the help of experts, treatments, support
centers, and especially understanding of the family.

Topic: Alcohol abuse

Topic sentence: While indulging in an occasional alcoholic beverage is unlikely to harm your health,
heavy drinking can have substantial negative effects on your body, well-being, and social life, to the
point where drinking becomes an addiction and you can no keep at bay.

I. Alcohol can affect your health in many ways that can be complex to overcome since they
affect the body in a general way.
a. Drinking too much alcohol can cause abnormal activation of digestive enzymes produced by
the pancreas.
b. Increases risk for chronic liver inflammation and liver disease. The scarring caused by this
inflammation is known as cirrhosis.
c. Alcohol can reduce communication between your brain and your body. This makes coordination
more difficult. You may have a hard time balancing.
II. Alcohol can make you have social problems that can damage your interpersonal relationships
and also make the people around you suffer.
a. Alcohol can reduce your inhibitions and lead you to behave in a way you normally wouldn’t. You
may commit a crime, behave in an antisocial way, or do something embarrassing.
b. The friends of an addict may often feel like they are pressured to take part in similar behavior as
their friend. In the case of an addict, it may mean that they feel the pressure to take part in the
same drug abuse.
c. Drinking can impair how a person performs as a parent, a partner as well as how contributes to
the functioning of the household. It can have lasting effects on their partner and children, for
instance through home accidents and violence.
III. Alcohol can make you have financial problems that can bankrupt you and make you have a
more suffering and miserable life.
a. If you drink a lot or become dependent on alcohol, you could end up spending a lot of money on
your drinking.
b. Medical treatments to treat alcoholism can be quite expensive because there must be the
intervention of various specialists such as psychologists, psychiatrists, nutritionists and even
support groups.
c. May suffer other economic problems such as lower wages and lost employment opportunities,
increased legal expenses, and decreased eligibility for loans.

Conclusion: The consequences of excessive alcohol consumption can be disastrous. As well as the

discomforts that it can cause in our life. This problem arises on many occasions due to problems that we
cannot handle and we look for easy and instantaneous solutions to our suffering and affect our entire
life, from health to what surrounds us.

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