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8 Reasons Why You Should Move Into An Apartment Instead of a House

The debate over apartment vs house living is a long-standing one. Yet, with more people now
renting than any point over the last 50 years, more and more people are realizing the benefits
of living in an apartment.
When deciding where to live, it’s best to weigh out the pros and cons. Once you do that, you
just might discover the overwhelming pros that apartment living can offer.
To help you sort through the options, let’s look at 8 reasons why you should move into an
apartment instead of a house.
1. Easy Maintenance
One of the top reasons to move into an apartment is the ease of maintenance. When you don’t
have to worry about maintaining the property, your to-do list is non-existent.
Homeownership brings responsibility for all repairs, yard work, preventative maintenance,
and the costs that go with it. Even if you have someone take care of it for you, you still have
to pay a hefty fee to get the work done.
When you live in an apartment you don’t have to worry about it. Shoveling snow, replacing a
broken dishwasher, or fixing a leaky roof is the responsibility of apartment staff. All you
have to do is pick up the phone and call property maintenance if there’s an issue.
2. Save Money
While many people argue that apartment rent is sometimes higher than a mortgage payment,
they’re not looking at the big picture.
A mortgage is not the only expense when you move into a house. There’s property tax,
insurance, HOA fees, plus a sizable down payment.
Then factor in the higher utility bills. It costs more to heat and cool a large home, water the
yard, and pay to maintain the house.
Moving into an apartment only requires a small deposit fee. Renter’s insurance is a fraction
of homeowner’s insurance and there’s no monthly maintenance expense. Plus, your utility
bill gets slashed.
3. Increased Safety
When considering the pros and cons of an apartment vs house, safety should always be a top
priority. Living in a multi-unit dwelling gives added security you can’t find in a home.
Many apartment complexes have gated communities, controlled access, security cameras, and
extra fire protection.
The close proximity of neighbors is also a huge safety benefit. They’re better able to hear if
something happens, notice if something seems out of the ordinary, and may have extra time
to contact the authorities.
Increased safety features make apartment living perfect for those living alone, families with
children, the elderly, or those who just want peace of mind.
4. Great Amenities
Amenities that come with apartment living are hard to beat. With recreation and convenience
right outside your doorstep, apartments offer many perks you can’t find in most single homes.
Clubhouses to hold big parties in, playgrounds, fitness centers, automated smart homes, and
swimming pools are just some of the amenities you’ll find. While you can build features like
these into a house, the cost can get out of reach for most budgets.
More unique amenities on property are movie theaters, salons, hiking trails, pet spas, and
underground heated parking. It’s upgraded living, all without having to pick up the bill.
5. The Gift of Time
One thing most of us never seem to have enough of (besides money!) is time. Anything you
can do to find more time in the day is worth it, and that’s what apartment living will give you.
You don’t have to worry about maintaining the yard or fixing stuff around the house. If you
live in a complex closer to work, you cut your commute down.
All that frees up valuable time. Your weekends are free to spend with family or doing the
activities you love.
While you can always make more money, you can’t get back time. Having a lifestyle that
gives you the gift of time is priceless.

6. Short-Term Option
If you’re not one who likes getting locked down living in one place for a long period of time,
apartment living is for you. When it comes to apartment vs house, an apartment gives you the
freedom to easily move whenever you want.
Many apartments offer short-term leases. These lease arrangements can range from 3 months,
6 months, or 12 months. If corporate living options are available, you have even more
Once you get locked into a house mortgage, you have to spend time and money to put your
home on the market when you want to move. Plus, you have to worry about getting enough
money out of your home to cover the mortgage you still owe.
Apartment living takes the stress and complications out of moving with ease.
7. Great Community
Although a close community can happen in a housing neighborhood, the opportunities for it
in an apartment complex are greater. With close proximity to your neighbors and ample
opportunity to spend time together, apartment living creates a closer community.
Even though you live close to your neighbors, many apartment complexes will take
community one step further. By having apartment barbecues and parties, it gives everyone a
chance to come together and get to know each other.
Plus, running into each other at the fitness center or other amenities creates more
opportunities to get to know your neighbors.

8. Build Your Savings

Along with the financial benefits of living in an apartment comes the opportunity to save for
your future.
The cost of running a house makes it more difficult to save for a “rainy day”. When your
expenses are smaller by living in an apartment, you’re better able to save more money.
That opens up a whole new world of possibilities for you. Whether you’re wanting to send
your kids to college, travel more, or save for retirement, apartment living will set you on the
financial path to make that a reality.
There’s an Easy Winner Between Apartment vs House
Living in an apartment makes life easier. Now that you can see the clear winner between
apartment vs house, you’ll have peace of mind knowing you’re making the right choice for
your family.
Ready to find your next apartment home? Contact us today! We’d be happy to answer any
questions and help you find a location that works best for you.

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