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Visaya, Kristina 12- Ristretto

Earth Science
Activity 3 CONCEPT MAP

Answer to the Guide Questions:

The Earth’s subsystems have distinct characteristics, they play their own functions to the environment. After
creating the concept map, I have also learned that these subsystems are interconnected. In order to function efficiently,
they need one another. The atmosphere makes up the combination of gases and particles surrounding the while biosphere
includes surface of the earth and its adjacent atmosphere. Furthermore, hydrosphere shows the interconnected system of
water storage in the atmosphere and lithosphere. In addition, lithosphere has the earth’s solid outer shell and we can see
that the nutrients extracted from the decomposed leaves and twigs could be found here.
By the relations of these subsystems, our environment works well. However, adverse impacts, such as burning
plastics and wastes pollute the atmosphere. Throwing up our waste into landfills affects the lithosphere by bringing
poisonous substances. Putting waste into the oceans harms the hydrosphere.
Burning wastes should be avoided and people must be well-informed about it’s negative to our environment. As
a student, I will practice the proper disposal of garbage and I will also educate our neighbors that burning wastes is not a
good habit and that this act will have an offence. Proper segregation is also essential along with proper disposal. We can
avoid harming our home, even by little efforts. Let us be disciplined and responsible before it is too late.
Module No. 4
Energy Resources—Fossil Fuels
Activity 4.1 Formation of Oil and Natural Gas
Visaya, Kristina 12-Ristretto
ENERGY RESOURCES- The Various Sources (Fossil Fuels, Geothermal, Hydroelectric)



Throughout the years, scientists and engineers have been working on the exploration of energy
resources. Subsequently, they were able to create energy out of fossil fuels, water and geothermal. These
energy resources have advantages and disadvantages as well. Wind energy for an instance, Wind power or
wind energy is the use of wind to provide mechanical power through wind turbines to turn electric generators
for electrical power. Wind power is a popular sustainable, renewable source of power that has a much smaller
impact on the environment compared to burning fossil fuels. In addition, the wind energy features its positive
effects and adverse consequences. Before installing wind turbines, using an anemometer to measure the wind
speed is important. Engineers need to use anemometers to decide where wind turbines will work best. The
power produced by a wind turbine depends on elevation, wind speed and air temperature. So, using an
anemometer would be a great method to test if building a wind turbine to a specific location would be

4 small paper cups, 6 ounce or smaller size. 2 pieces of stiff corrugated cardboard, 3 inches wide
1 push pin. 16 inches long(~7.5×41 cm)
1 sharpened pencil with an eraser on the end. 1 stapler
Stopwatch, watch, clock or timer(with seconds). assortment of color markers
1-2” diameter of modelling clay

1. Build and test a model anemometer before presenting the activity to the class.
2. Cut the cardboard strips to the appropriate lengths. Depending on the cup size, you may need to adjust the
strip size a bit.
3. Cut the rolled edges of the paper cups. This makes them lighter.
4. Each group/student will color the outside of one of the cups with a marker.
5. Form the two cardboard strips so they make a plus sign (+) and staple them together in the center where
the two strips join.
6. Find the exact center of the cardboard cross. An easy way to this is by using a ruler and pencil to draw
lines connecting the diagonal corners through the center(overlap) section of the cross. Where the pencil
lines intersect is the exact middle of the plus sign.
7. Staple the sides of the cups to the ends of the cardboard strips making sure the cup openings all face the
same direction as shown in figure 1.

9. Next, push the pin through the center of the cardboard(where the pencil lines intersect) and attach the
cardboard plus sign to the eraser end of the pencil.
10. Go gently blow the cups to make sure the cardboard structure spins freely around the pin. They may need
to adjust their models slightly before proceeding.
11. Go outside of your house with constructed anemometers, second hand timer and clay balls.
12. Choose three(3) areas with three trials where you want to measure the wind speed.
13. Place the modeling clay on a stable, horizontal surface (such as a wooden fence rail, picnic table, wall, or
flat rock. Sharpened end of the pencil into the mound of clay so that the pencil stands vertically and the anemometer Is
free to spin.
14. Measure and record the wind speed by counting the number of times the anemometer spins around in 1
minute. (Note: To make this simple, advise them to count one rotation each time the colored cup passes by the pencil.)
Require them to at least three wind speed measurements at their locations.

Preparation of the cups clay and pencil.

Area 1: Roof. Area 2: Garden. Area 3: Open Space.


Area Time Number of Rotation per

Rotation minute
On top of the roof 1 minute 28 28/min.
Open space 1 minute 34 34/min.
Garden 1 minute 13 13/min.

The speed of the anemometer depends on the area where the anemometer is situated.
1. Engineers need to use anemometers to decide where wind turbines will work best. The power produced
by a wind turbine depends on elevation, wind speed and air temperature. So, using an anemometer would
be a great method to test if building a wind turbine to a specific location would be efficient. The
anemometers that engineers design are critical instruments for determining the best locations for wind-
power generators. The direction and strength of the wind is very dependent on local terrain, so
measurements must be made to determine the best site for wind turbines. Also, wind speed changes with
height, so anemometers are necessary to determine the best height for the tower.

2. Small, quiet rooftop turbines are the ideal option for most homeowners. People who want to benefit from
the wind, however, will still need another power source. One option is to combine wind with another type
of renewable energy: solar. A roof-mounted turbine might well take the edge of expanding fuel charges
throughout the following years.

3. Wind is a more efficient power source than solar. Compared to solar panels, wind turbines release less
CO2 to the atmosphere, consume less energy, and produce more energy overall. In fact according to
Elemental Green, one wind turbine can generate the same amount of electricity per kWh as about 48,704
solar panels. Overall wind to produce energy has fewer effects on the environment than many other
energy sources. Wind turbines do not release emissions that can pollute the air or water (with rare
exceptions), and they do not require water for cooling. Wind turbines may also reduce the amount of
electricity generation from fossil fuels, which results in lower total air pollution and carbon dioxide

4. Two-bladed wind turbines are also easier to install.With three blades, the angular momentum stays
constant because when one blade is up, the other two are pointing at an angle. So the turbine can rotate
into the wind smoothly. But the two-bladed, downwind turbine design has had problems in the past,
which have kept it from the market. It’s louder, for one thing, in part because the blades spin faster,
although this isn’t a problem offshore. More importantly, in some wind conditions, the flexible blades can
spring back and hit the turbine tower.

With three blades, the angular momentum stays constant because when one blade is up, the other two are
pointing at an angle. So the turbine can rotate into the wind smoothly. The more blades there are on a
wind turbine, the higher will be the torque (the force that creates rotation) and the slower the rotational
speed (because of the increased drag caused by wind flow resistance). But turbines used for generating
electricity need to operate at high speeds, and actually don't need much torque.

5. Modern wind turbines can be very large machines, and they may visually affect the landscape. A small
number of wind turbines have also caught fire, and some have leaked lubricating fluids, but these
occurrences are rare. Some people do not like the sound that wind turbine blades make as they turn in the
wind. Some types of wind turbines and wind projects cause bird and bat deaths. These deaths may
contribute to declines in the population of species also affected by other human-related impacts. Most
wind power projects on land require service roads that add to the physical effects on the environment.
Producing the metals and other materials used to make wind turbine components has impacts on the
environment, and fossil fuels may have been used to produce the materials.


When wind pushes into the cups, they rotate the axis. The faster the wind, the faster the cups spin
the axis, this is how the anemometer works. By creating my own anemometer, I learned that this is an
effective method of measuring the wind speed. I was able to see how an anemometer measures wind speed by
taking measurements at various school locations such as the roof, open space and the garden. I also learned
about the real life application of doing such activity. I was able to see how difficult it is when looking for a
certain location to test if installing a wind turbine in that area would be effectivity. In relation to the wind
energy, it is a clean fuel source for the wind is a clean source of renewable energy that produces no air or
water pollution. And since the wind is free, operational costs are nearly zero once a turbine is erected.

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