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Wendelyn P.


How to edit urban filter in Lightroom

The process of editing photos with this effect is very simple the very first step is
to go to the lighting effects and adjust the following:

 Exposure: -0.20
 Contrast: 50
 Highlights: -23
 White: -80
 Black: 60

After adjustments of the lighting effects we will now proceed and go to the curve
tool. This tool will help us adjust the overall brightness and contrast of our photo. By
clicking the icon, the features that will pop out will help us in adjusting the values of the
tonal regions such as the highlights, and shadows to achieve our urban filter. Let us
start by placing our cursor over an area in our photo that we would like to adjust,
presented below are the steps we will follow:
Then let us go to color and adjust the following:

 Vibrance: 50
 Saturation: -10

In the color tool, click the icon that refers to the color mix and adjust the following:

Red Color

 Hue: -14
 Saturation: -50
 Luminance: 14

Orange Color

 Hue: -10
 Saturation: -23
 Luminance: 26

Yellow Color

 Hue: -100
 Saturation: -30
 Luminance: 26
Then lastly in this tool section, adjust color green, aqua blue, purple and the
magenta’s saturation into -104. And let’s proceed to the next step and go to effects and
adjust the following:

 Clarity: 60
 Dehaze: 20
 Vignette: -10

In Split tone we will be adjusting the following: Details Section:

 Hue into 222 and saturation 10 for highlights  Sharpening: 20

 Hue 220 and saturation 4 for shadows  Noise: 35

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