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Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 33 (2007) 229 – 241

Special article

Addiction recovery: Its definition and conceptual boundaries

William L. White, (M.A.)⁎
Chestnut Health Systems, Bloomington, IL 61710, USA
Received 29 January 2007; received in revised form 13 April 2007; accepted 13 April 2007


The addiction field's failure to achieve consensus on a definition of “recovery” from severe and persistent alcohol and other drug problems
undermines clinical research, compromises clinical practice, and muddles the field's communications to service constituents, allied service
professionals, the public, and policymakers. This essay discusses 10 questions critical to the achievement of such a definition and offers a
working definition of recovery that attempts to meet the criteria of precision, inclusiveness, exclusiveness, measurability, acceptability, and
simplicity. The key questions explore who has professional and cultural authority to define recovery, the defining ingredients of recovery, the
boundaries (scope and depth) of recovery, and temporal benchmarks of recovery (when recovery begins and ends). The process of defining
recovery touches on some of the most controversial issues within the addictions field. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Addiction recovery; Remission; Recovered; Recovering; Definition; Language

1. Introduction 2004a), a new recovery advocacy movement (White, 2006a),

and calls to shift the design of addiction treatment from a
There is growing evidence that the alcohol and other drug model of acute biopsychosocial stabilization to a model of
(AOD) problems arena is on the brink of shifting from long- sustained recovery management (Dennis, Scott, & Funk,
standing pathology and intervention paradigms to a solution- 2003; Flaherty, 2006; McKay, 2005; McLellan, Lewis,
focused recovery paradigm. The former rested on the O'Brien, & Kleber, 2000; White, Boyle, & Loveland, 2002).
assumption that investigations into the etiology and patterns Such a shift is also evident in state and local efforts to
of AOD problems and studies of the professional treatment transform addiction treatment into “recovery-oriented sys-
of these problems would reveal the ultimate solution to these tems of care,” calls to use recovery as a conceptual bridge to
problems. The recovery paradigm posits that solutions to integrate addiction and mental health service systems
severe AOD problems have a long history and are currently (Davidson & White, in press; White, Boyle, & Loveland,
manifested in the lives of millions of individuals and families 2004), and the emergence of recovery as the organizing
and that the scientific study of these lived solutions could center of national behavioral health policy recommendations
elucidate principles and practices that could further enhance (Department of Health and Human Services, 2003; Institute
recovery initiation and maintenance efforts (White, 2005). of Medicine, 2006).
The shift toward a recovery paradigm is evident in a This focus on recovery is occurring without a clear
number of quarters: the international growth of addiction definition of recovery and at a time in which there are calls to
recovery mutual aid societies (Humphreys, 2004; White, reexamine and increase the clarity of the language used to
depict AOD problems and their resolution (Center for
Substance Abuse Treatment [CSAT], 2000; Kelly, 2004;
Milgram, 2004). The lack of an accepted definition of
⁎ Chestnut Health Systems, 720 West Chestnut Street, Bloomington, IL recovery contributes significantly to the variability of
61701, USA. Tel.: +1 941 624 0210. reported outcomes of addiction treatment (Maddux &
E-mail address: Desmond, 1986). The term's conceptual fuzziness has also

0740-5472/07/$ – see front matter © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
230 W.L. White / Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 33 (2007) 229–241

produced contention within recovery mutual aid groups and With those purposes and definitional criteria identified,
recovery advocacy organizations over when the state of we will explore 10 questions crucial to the task of generating
recovery is achieved, lost, and reacquired (White, 2006a). It a working definition of recovery.
is not surprising in the face of such confusion that
researchers tend to avoid the term, clinicians and mutual
aid advocates use the term but with different meanings, and 2. Who has the authority to define recovery at personal,
the public tends to understand recovery as an attempt to professional, and cultural levels?
resolve, rather than the successful resolution of, AOD
problems (Faces and Voices of Recovery Public Survey, Imposed or self-embraced words that convey one's
2004). The stigma attached to severe AOD problems will history, character, or status have immense power to wound
continue unabated until the meaning of recovery is clarified, or heal, oppress or liberate. At a personal level, a definition
the prevalence of recovery across cultural communities is of recovery will attract or repel people seeking to resolve
confirmed by scientists, and a large cadre of individuals and AOD problems, provide a benchmark for when this state of
families in long-term recovery stand to offer themselves as recovery is achieved, and convey directly or indirectly what
living proof of the transformative power of recovery. actions are required to sustain this status. A particular
Recovery as an organizing concept poses financial and definition of recovery, by defining who is and is not in
ideological threats to existing social institutions and profes- recovery, may also dictate who is seen as socially redeemed
sional roles that have been granted cultural authority to and who remains stigmatized, who is hired and who is fired,
manage AOD problems. The recovery paradigm is spawning who remains free and who goes to jail, who remains in a
alternative institutions (e.g., recovery advocacy organiza- marriage and who is divorced, who retains and who loses
tions, peer-based recovery support centers) and roles (e.g., custody of their children, and who receives and who is
recovery coaches, personal recovery assistants, recovery denied government benefits.
support specialists) that are challenging treatment institu- Defining recovery also has consequences of great import
tions and competing with them for status and financial for those competing institutions and professional roles
resources (Kirk, 2005). Through this process, the recovery claiming ownership of AOD problems. Choosing one word
concept risks reification, commodification, commercializa- over another can shift billions of dollars from one cultural
tion, and overextension. The innumerable threats to the institution to another, for example, from hospitals to prisons.
promises of the recovery paradigm render the task of Medicalized terms such as recover, recovery, convales-
defining recovery and maintaining the integrity of that cence, remission, and relapse convey ownership of severe
definition an extremely important task. AOD problems by health care institutions and professionals,
This essay proposes criteria for a viable definition of just as words such as redeemed and reborn, rehabilitate or
recovery, makes recommendations related to 10 questions reform, and stop and quit shift problem ownership else-
critical to the construction of a definition of recovery, and where. It is important to recognize that rational arguments for
then offers a working definition of recovery for the field's particular definitions of recovery may mask issues of
consideration. The primary goal of this article is to stimulate professional prestige, professional careers, institutional
discussion on the process that should be used to achieve a profit, and the fate of community economies.
clearer definition of recovery and such derivative terms as The answer of who has authority to define recovery will
recovering, in recovery, and recovered. vary depending on the question, “define for what
The first challenge in defining recovery is crafting a single purpose?” Given that defining recovery could generate
definition that can meet four quite distinct uses of the term: unforeseen and harmful consequences, efforts to define
(a) recovery as a lived experience by individuals and recovery should include broad representation from (a)
families, (b) recovery experience as the connecting tissue individuals and family members in recovery, (b) diverse
within communities of recovery, (c) recovery as an outcome recovery pathways and styles, (c) diverse ethnic commu-
that can be measured by scientists and those responsible for nities, and (d) policy, scientific, and treatment bodies,
monitoring and evaluating behavioral health care systems, including leaders of the major institutions that pay for
and (d) recovery as both an organizing vision/goal and a behavioral health care services. The driving force behind
benchmark of accountability for complex service systems. current behavioral health system transformation efforts is
Toward those ends, an ideal definition of recovery would individuals and families directly impacted by and recover-
meet six criteria: (a) precision (captures the essential nature ing from severe substance use and psychiatric disorders.
and elements of the recovery experience), (b) inclusiveness They are demanding the right to sit at tables at which
(encompasses diverse recovery experiences, frameworks, decisions are made that affect their lives. Given the impact
and styles), (c) exclusiveness (filters out phenomena lacking any definition of recovery could have on their lives, their
essential recovery ingredients), (d) measurability (facilitates voices should be prominent within any forum that seeks to
self-assessment, professional evaluation, and scientific define recovery.
study), (e) acceptability (to multiple constituents), and (f) There will likely be multiple efforts to define recovery,
simplicity (elegant in its clarity and conciseness). and complete consensus on a recovery definition between
W.L. White / Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 33 (2007) 229–241 231

all stakeholders in the AOD problems arena is unlikely. 4. What are the essential, defining ingredients of the
However, it may be possible to assure diverse representa- recovery experience? (Is recovery a time-limited event
tion in these efforts and to assure that the most critical or a long-term process?)
questions are addressed within these deliberations. The
recommendations contained in the following discussions Recovery folklore, both within professional treatment
are intended to stimulate dialogue and debate within and mutual aid circles, is replete with references that reco-
such forums. very is a process, not an event. Such folklore is buttressed by
innumerable studies that frame recovery as a stage-
dependent developmental process (see White & Kurtz,
3. Should the term recovery be applied only to the 2006b, for a review). However, both historical and
resolution of particular types of AOD problems? contemporary evidence suggest that addiction recovery is
sometimes the product of a sudden event that is unplanned,
Recovery is a medical term that connotes a return to health positive, and permanent (Miller & C'de Baca, 2001; White,
following trauma or illness. The boundary of the concept of 2004b). Known in the clinical literature as quantum change
recovery in the AOD problems arena is greatly dependent on or transformational change, this medium of recovery
an understanding of what one is recovering from. Techni- initiation and consolidation often involves profound reli-
cally, there is no recovery if one has no condition from which gious, spiritual, or secular experiences that radically redefine
to recover. AOD use exists on a continuum from AOD personal identity and interpersonal relationships and sud-
abstinence, nonproblematic AOD use, subclinical AOD denly and completely alter one's prior pattern of AOD use.
problems (transient problems not meeting severity or An ideal definition of recovery would be broad enough to
persistence criteria for a substance use disorder), and the embrace both incremental and transformative styles of
two broad diagnostic entities substance abuse and substance recovery initiation and consolidation. White and Kurtz
dependence, each of which represents a variable span of (2006b) have explored diverse pathways (religious, spiritual,
severity, complexity, and duration. Any definition of secular) and styles (with and without treatment, with and
recovery should link this term to a previous clinical state. without medication, with and without mutual aid involve-
In a survey of natural cessation of illicit drug use, ment, differences in relational styles and identity in recovery)
Cunningham (1999) described people who had ever used of recovery. A definition of recovery should avoid restricting
an illicit drug in their lifetime but had not used an illicit drug the boundaries of recovery to a particular framework,
in the past year in terms of “recoveries” and “remissions.” strategy, or style of recovery.
Such use of the term recovery medicalizes AOD use and
transient AOD problems that bear little resemblance to
severe and persistent substance use disorders. This has 5. Does recovery from a substance use disorder require
contributed to confusion and controversies about the best complete and enduring abstinence?
strategies for resolving AOD problems.
There is considerable evidence that casual users and Recovery defined as a state of sustained abstinence from a
persons who naturally resolve AOD problems differ drug or category of drugs to which one previously met
significantly from the mostly dependent users admitted to DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for abuse or dependence is
addiction treatment programs. Comparisons of the charac- implied in treatment outcome studies that report findings in
teristics of those who achieve natural recovery in community terms of the percentage of treated individuals who had
populations with the characteristics of those entering achieved uninterrupted abstinence or who were abstinent at
addiction treatment reveal that the former are distinguished the time of follow-up. This abstinence focus is reflected in
by less personal vulnerability, lower problem severity, less the American Society of Addiction Medicine's description of
medical/psychiatric comorbidity, and greater family and recovery as “a process of overcoming both physical and
social supports (Dawson, 1996; Finney & Moos, 1995; psychological dependence on a psychoactive drug with a
Grella & Joshi, 1999; Ross, Lin, & Cunningham, 1999), as commitment to abstinence-based sobriety” (Steindler, 1998)
well as qualitatively different resolution processes (Bier- and in the centrality of “sobriety” and the use of “sobriety
nacki, 1986; Cloud & Granfield, 1994; Tuchfeld, 1981). The birthdays” in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and other
term recovery is best reserved for those persons who have recovery mutual aid groups. Recovery defined as sustained
resolved or are in the process of resolving severe AOD- cessation of AOD use is also the centerpiece of the major
related problems that meet Diagnostic and Statistical antistigma messaging campaign of new recovery advocacy
Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) organizations (Faces and Voices of Recovery, 2006).
criteria for “abuse” or “dependence” (American Psychiatric In contrast, addiction researchers often define the
Association [APA], 1994). The less medicalized terms quit resolution of AOD problems in more measured gradations,
and cessation more aptly describe the problem-solving spanning people (a) who are completely abstinent, (b) who
processes in cases marked by less severity. The broader term are essentially abstinent (low volume of consumption on
resolution embraces both patterns of problem solving. rare occasions that result in no measurable problems), (c)
232 W.L. White / Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 33 (2007) 229–241

who continue to use but have shifted from clinical to language, “Everyone who has AOD problems does not suffer
subclinical patterns of use, (d) who meet DSM-IV criteria from addiction brain disease” (Erickson, 2006). The point is
for abuse or dependence but at lower levels of problem that the meaning of recovery needs to be broad enough to
severity, and (e) whose use and related problems have encompass, or sufficiently precise to distinguish, these levels
remained unchanged or have accelerated. Considering a of problem severity.
widened span of outcomes raises the question of whether Moving from the alcohol to illicit drugs arena presents
abstinence is a defining element of recovery or one of many further challenges. Groups like Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
strategies for achieving recovery. have defined recovery in terms of abstinence from drug use,
If abstinence is a defining element of recovery, then a but addiction scientists have generally defined recovery from
moderated resolution of AOD problems would, by defini- illicit drug dependence in terms of problem resolution rather
tion, not constitute recovery. The problem is that such a than absence of drug use. Simpson and Marsh (1986), for
definition flies in the face of a growing body of evidence that example, defined recovery from opiate addiction in terms of
such moderated outcomes are possible for many people with the indicators of “reduction of drug use, criminal involve-
mild-to-moderate substance-related problems as well as for a ment and unemployment”—a definition not requiring
much smaller percentage of people with substance depen- complete and enduring abstinence. Leukefeld and Tims
dence (Dawson, 1996; Finney & Moos, 1981; Larimer & (1986) similarly define recovery as a state in which “drug
Kilmer, 2000; Miller, 1983; Miller & Muñoz, 2005; abuse and related behavior are no longer problematic in the
Rosenberg, 1993). The moderated resolution of AOD individual's life” (p. 186).
problems seems to be most common among persons with Defining recovery broadly enough (e.g., the resolution
less personal vulnerability (e.g., no family history of AOD of AOD-related problems rather than the method through
problems, later developmental onset of AOD use), lower which such problems are resolved) would allow measuring
problem severity, lower rates of co-occurring psychiatric levels of outcomes over time and answer questions about
illness, and greater personal and family resources (Dawson, the viability of particular problem-resolution strategies for
1996; Cunningham, Lin, Ross, & Walsh, 2000; Granfield & particular populations. In the end, it would be helpful to
Cloud, 1999). The question for the field is whether the distinguish moderated resolution (sustained deceleration of
moderated resolution of AOD problems will be embraced AOD use and absence of AOD-related problems following
within the conceptual rubric of recovery. the experience of transient, mild-to-moderate AOD pro-
Reactions to any such suggestion are likely to be very blems) from moderated recovery (sustained deceleration of
strong from the field's professional and recovery advocacy AOD use and absence of AOD-related problems following
constituencies. The source of such resistance is often attri- the experience of sustained and severe AOD problems,
buted to AA, but such attribution is erroneously placed. e.g., substance dependence). The phrase moderated
Moderation was a strategy that had not worked for early AA recovery would be best used to designate those individuals
members, but they made no effort to deny that option with severe AOD problems who have achieved sustained
to others. deceleration of the frequency and intensity of AOD use to
subclinical levels.
Then we have a certain type of hard drinker. He may have the
habit badly enough to gradually impair him physically and
mentally. It may cause him to die a few years before his time. 6. Does recovery require abstinence from, or a
If a sufficiently strong reason—ill health, falling in love, deceleration of, all psychoactive drug use?
change of environment, or the warning of a doctor—becomes
operative, this man can also stop or moderate, although he
Defining recovery only in terms of an altered relationship
may find it difficult and troublesome and may even need
medical attention (AA, 1939, p. 31). with one or more “primary” drugs to which one previously
met DSM-IV criteria for abuse or dependence ignores the
If anyone, who is showing inability to control his drinking, propensity for concurrent or sequential problems with
can do the right-about-face and drink like a gentleman, our multiple drugs. There are a growing number of people
hats are off to him. Heaven knows we have tried hard enough entering mutual aid groups and addiction treatment for
and long enough to drink like other people! (AA, 1939, p. 42). whom a “primary drug” defies clear identification. This has
led to definitions of recovery as enduring abstinence from all
AA makes no claim that the experience of its members traditionally defined drugs of “abuse” (Milam & Ketcham,
constitutes a universal truth applicable to the broader 1983). The problem with universally declaring all substitute
universe of AOD problems. By distinguishing themselves drug use as destructive is an emerging body of evidence that
(“real alcoholics”) from problem drinkers, early AA drug substitution can serve as an effective strategy through
members defined their own recoveries in terms of abstinence which some people ward off acute and postacute withdrawal
because that is what in their experience had been most during their early search for recovery, for example, the
successful. Ironically, scientists are using the latest research increased use of alcohol and marijuana during the first year
findings to reconfirm AA's distinction that, in modern of heroin cessation (Bacchus, Strang, & Watson, 2000;
W.L. White / Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 33 (2007) 229–241 233

Copeland, 1998; Simpson & Marsh, 1986; Waldorf, 1983). co-occurring disorders have entered treatment and sought
Many recovery stories depict the peeling away of different membership in recovery fellowships and as new drugs
drugs over time in a process that might be aptly described as have arrived with less potential for harm (Meissen, Powell,
serial recovery (White & Kurtz, 2006b). Recovery from Wituk, Girrens, & Artega, 1999; Rychtarik, Connors,
substance use disorders is best defined in terms of one's total Demen, & Stasiewicz, 2000). Breakthroughs in the
relationship with psychoactive drugs, rather than in reference neurobiology of addiction hold great promise for new
to a single substance. pharmacological adjuncts in the treatment of addiction
Attempts to define recovery inevitably confront the ques- (Dackis & O'Brien, 2005), but stigma continues to be
tion of nicotine dependence among those seeking recovery attached to some of the most scientifically grounded,
from other drug dependencies. (Do we give dispensation for medication-based addiction treatments.
some addictions but not for others, e.g., an alcohol-dependent The importance of the definitions of recovery and absti-
individual can be in recovery if he or she continues nicotine nence (or sobriety) in the context of medication-based
addiction but not if he or she continues heroin addiction?) treatment is evident in NA policy statements on methadone
This may well be the most difficult of issues. A recent review and other medications. NA guidelines for Hospital and
of the literature (White, 2006b) reveals that Institution meetings in methadone clinics explicitly advise,
“When the subject of methadone comes up, it is important
1. heavy smoking is highly correlated with the develop- not to judge” (H & I Service Bulletin # 3; NA World Services
ment of other severe substance use disorders, [NAWS], n.d.), but the NAWS Board of Trustees Bulletin
2. most people (85–95%) admitted to addiction treatment Regarding Methadone and Other Drug Replacement
in the United States are dependent upon tobacco, Programs (Bulletin # 29, 1996; NAWS, 1996) affirms the
3. people with alcohol problems exhibit more severe right of NA meetings to refuse to allow those using
nicotine addiction than do smokers without alcohol medically prescribed methadone as “drug replacement
problems and are less likely to stop smoking, therapy” to speak at meetings and refers to such individuals
4. those with more severe nicotine dependencies have as “under the influence of a drug,” “still using,” and “not
poorer treatment outcomes for the treatment of other clean.” The NA pamphlet In Times of Illness (NAWS, 1992)
drug dependencies, emphasizes alternatives to medications, suggests taking
5. continued smoking following treatment for other drug medication only when it is necessary, and leaves the issue
dependencies increases the risk of relapse, and of “clean time” under such circumstances as something to be
6. smoking-related diseases are a major cause of death of resolved with one's sponsor and higher power.
people who have successfully recovered from alco- How recovery is defined has consequences, and
holism and other drug dependencies. denying medically and socially stabilized methadone
patients the status of recovery is a particularly stigmatizing
This is likely to be one of the most contentious issues in consequence (Murphy & Irwin, 1992). A growing number
any effort to define recovery. At a minimum, it may be time of professional and recovery advocacy organizations are
to conceive and report recovery outcomes in more nuanced recognizing the legitimacy and potential effectiveness of
categories that convey these variations in recovery status, for medication-assisted recovery (Pennsylvania Recovery
example, full recovery without secondary drug use, recovery Organization-Achieving Community Together, 2006;
with subclinical secondary drug use, and partial recovery White & Coon, 2003), and new recovery support fellow-
marked by drug substitution. ships such as Methadone Anonymous provide a suppor-
tive, recovery-focused milieu for those using medication as
an aid to their recovery efforts.
7. Does the use of prescribed psychoactive drugs The influence of prescribed psychoactive drugs on an
disqualify one from the status of recovery? individual's recovery status is best evaluated, not in terms of
its presence, but in terms of the motivations for medication
A problem that arises from recovery definitions that use and its effects. Using this principle, the same dose of the
preclude the use of any psychoactive drugs involves the issue same drug could constitute relapse for one person (the use of
of prescribed psychoactive drugs, including those prescribed 70 mg of unprescribed methadone for purposes of intoxica-
as adjuncts in the treatment of addiction, those prescribed for tion) and a recovery adjunct for another (the use of 70 mg of
co-occurring psychiatric disorders, and those prescribed for prescribed methadone for metabolic stabilization). Use of the
other medical conditions, for example, acute or chronic pain. phrase “medication-assisted recovery” would help legitimize
There is a deep antimedication bias in addiction treatment the recovery status of people who are using medically
grounded in the long history of iatrogenic insults resulting monitored medications such as methadone, buprenorphine,
from attempts to treat addiction with opium, morphine, naltrexone, acamprosate, or disulfiram as adjuncts to their
cocaine, barbiturates, amphetamines, LSD, and tranquilizers recovery processes but might also risk creating a recovery
of numerous varieties (White, 1998). This bias has decreased class structure in which this group would be seen as less than
in professional and recovery circles as more people with full members of local recovery communities.
234 W.L. White / Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 33 (2007) 229–241

8. Is recovery something more than the elimination or achievement of global health (CSAT, 2006). The former
deceleration of AOD problems from an otherwise would convey what has been removed from one's life; the
unchanged life? latter would convey what has been added to one's life.

Discussions of recovery that focus exclusively on the

presence or absence of AOD use ignore the fact that 9. Is recovery an all-or-none proposition or, as with
addiction is often intricately bundled (concurrently and other health conditions, something that can be achieved
sequentially) with other problems and that the resolution of in degrees?
addiction is often inseparable from the resolution of
problems in which it is nested. Recovery definitions that Even if the definition of recovery is broadened to address
place recovery within the context of global health (Foster, the whole scope of psychoactive drug use and to encompass
Peters, & Marshall, 2000; Rudolf & Watts, 2002) view the broader dimensions of global health, we are still left with the
resolution of AOD problems not as a focal point but as a by- question of whether recovery is something that exists as a
product of larger personal and interpersonal processes. Such static state that one has or has not achieved or whether it is
definitions withhold the status of recovery from someone something that is best measured in more subtle gradations.
who has achieved abstinence but has failed to achieve levels There is growing evidence that many severe AOD problems
of physical, emotional, relational, and ontological (spiri- constitute chronic disorders whose full stabilization follows
tuality, meaning, purpose) health. multiple recovery initiation efforts (Dennis, Scott, Funk, &
Reports of temporary sobriety accompanied by poor Foss, 2005; McLellan et al., 2000; Scott, Foss, & Dennis,
emotional health have a long tradition in the clinical 2005). The concepts of “addiction career” and “treatment
literature of addiction treatment. In 1933, 2 years before career” (Anglin, Hser, & Grella, 1997; Frykholm, 1985;
the founding of AA, Richard Peabody declared: “A man who Hser, Anglin, Grella, Longshore, & Prendergast, 1997) have
is on the wagon may be sober physically, but mentally he been used to conceptualize this prolonged process. It may be
may be almost as alcohol-minded as if he were drunk” helpful to extend these concepts to speak of “recovery
(Peabody, 1933, p. 106). AA evolved historically through a career” as the processes and stages that mark the resolution
narrow definition of recovery (“putting a cork in the bottle”) of severe and persistent AOD problems.
to the development of such concepts as dry drunk, emotional In their historical review of how the mental health and
sobriety, and serenity (Wilson, 1958). The current use of the addictions fields have viewed recovery, White et al. (2004)
term wellbriety by Native American recovery advocates note that the mental health field has organized its services
(Coyhis, 1999; Coyhis & White, 2006) similarly reflects around the goal of partial recovery but has, until recently, had
efforts to define recovery as sobriety plus global health or no concept of full recovery for those experiencing serious
quality of life. mental illness. In contrast, the addictions field has reified the
Defining recovery in terms that include personal character concept of full recovery (defined historically as complete and
raises an important question: Why are changes of character sustained abstinence) but has had no legitimized concept of
applied to the definition of addiction recovery when no such partial recovery. White and Kurtz (2006b) advocate use of
changes are included in definitions of recovery from other the term partial recovery to convey two different conditions:
health conditions? Recovery from any disorder is best (a) a reduced frequency, duration, and intensity of AOD use
measured within the precise areas affected by the disorder. and reduction of AOD-related personal and social problems
Recovery from cancer is not measured in terms of reduced or (b) the achievement of complete and sustained abstinence
criminality because there is no known nexus between cancer or stable moderation, but the failure to achieve parallel gains
and criminality. In the case of severe substance use disorders, in physical, emotional, ontological, relational, or occupa-
recovery is defined in characterological terms because tional health.
distortions in character mark the very essence of the Partial recovery can constitute a permanent state, a
addiction experience. stage preceding full recovery, or a hiatus in AOD problems
Attempts to define recovery face the challenge of with eventual reversion to a previous or greater level of
distinguishing the resolution of AOD problems from an problem severity. White and Kurtz (2006b) also note the
otherwise unchanged life from a broader transformation of existence of an enriched or transcendent state of recovery
personal character and identity. Most recovered and —a state of amplified health, performance, and social
recovering people define recovery in terms of the resolution contribution superior to one's preaddiction life. This
of AOD problems and the progress toward global health acknowledges that some people achieve a peak level of
(physical, cognitive, emotional, ontological, relational, functioning, not in spite of their addiction and recovery, but
educational/occupational, financial, and legal). Congruent from the strength drawn from their survival of addiction and
with this view, the field could consider using the term re- the personal transformations they experience throughout the
mission to depict the elimination of problems (persons no recovery process.
longer meeting DSM-IV criteria for abuse or dependence) The term partial recovery is best applied to patterns of
and the term recovery to convey remission plus a broader problem resolution marked by decreases in the frequency,
W.L. White / Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 33 (2007) 229–241 235

duration, and intensity of AOD use and related problems in the community without external supervision—and for
and an increase in the length and quality of periods of more extended time periods.
sobriety or decelerated use. While the concept of partial
recovery is included in the International Statistical
Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 11. What are the temporal benchmarks of recovery?
10th Revision and DSM-IV diagnostic classification
schemes (APA, 1994; World Health Organization The practice of celebrating sobriety birthdays in AA and
[WHO], 1992), it has yet to be elevated and legitimized NA suggests that recovery in these fellowships begins at the
in the clinical world of addiction treatment. point of cessation of AOD use. Some researchers (Pro-
chaska, DiClimente, & Norcross, 1992) contend that
recovery begins before the cessation of AOD use, whereas
10. Must recovery be conscious, voluntary, and others link the beginning of recovery to the point that AOD-
self-managed? related problems diminish or cease. Factors that complicate
the process of defining a set point for addiction recovery
For some, addiction is a transient experience—a fleeting include the fact that most severe AOD problems last a long
involvement that, when replaced by other involvements, time (patterns of chronicity) and ebb and flow over their
leaves no lasting mark on personal identity. For others, course (patterns of periodicity; Maddux & Desmond, 1986).
addiction and recovery become the defining elements of their Short-term episodes of voluntary or other-imposed absti-
lives—become who they are at a most personal level (White nence and treatment can mark a respite rather than a
& Kurtz, 2006b). The importance of this point to our current termination of addiction (Simpson & Sells, 1990). In short-
discussion is that recovery can be a conscious process or the term studies, brief or extended interludes of abstinence or
product of what sociologists call “drift” (Matza, 1964; asymptomatic use may be mistaken for enduring recovery.
Waldorf, 1983)—a movement out of addiction that is not This requires distinguishing ebbs in the enduring course of
marked by conscious planning, self-direction, or alterations addiction from early stages of long-term recovery from
in personal identity. Recovery does not have to be conscious. addiction. The phenomena of chronicity and periodicity
The choice to include or exclude “alcoholic/addict” and prompted organizations such as the American Medical
“recovery/recovering” into one's sense of self represents not Association Committee on Alcoholism and Drug Depen-
a precondition for the status of recovery but stylistic dence (1970) and researchers (Bejerot, 1975) to include in
differences among people who have resolved severe AOD their definition of recovery time requirements ranging from
problems. The term recovery and its derivatives should be 3 to 5 years.
applied in the scientific literature and in public discourse to One could argue that recovery has both qualitative (what
all patterns of resolution of severe and persistent AOD essential elements must be present to declare this state?) and
problems (that previously met DSM-IV criteria for abuse or quantitative (how long must these conditions be present
dependence), including those individuals for whom such before one can be considered recovering or recovered?)
resolution did not involve self-identification with the states dimensions. But one could also argue that dichotomous
of addiction and recovery. definitions of recovery (one either is or is not recovered/
A related question is the role of coercion in recovery. recovering) fail to capture the fluidity of recovery (some-
Recovery advocacy groups emphasize that external autho- thing one achieves partially or a state one moves in and out
rities can coerce exposure to mutual aid groups or of). There are also the questions: When, if ever, does
treatment, but only the volition of the individual can recovery end? Is it a time-limited event/experience or a
sustain recovery. In their view, there is no such thing as never-ending process? Can recovery be completed and
coerced recovery (White, 2006a). Researchers are exhibit- rendered in the past tense? These questions are most evident
ing sympathy toward this view by distinguishing voluntary in the debates over the terms recovered and recovering.
abstinence in the community versus artificially induced Recovered and recovering are terms used to describe the
abstinence in a controlled setting (Godley, Dennis, Godley, process of resolving, or the status of having resolved, severe
& Funk, 2004). Definitions of recovery are most mean- AOD problems. Individuals who have resolved such
ingful when they distinguish volitional change from super- problems have been referred to as redeemed (or repentant)
ficial and transient periods of AOD cessation/deceleration drunkard, reformed drunkard, dry drunkard, dry (former)
generated by institutionalization, rigorous monitoring by alcoholic, arrested alcoholic, sobriate, ex-addict, ex-problem
external authorities, or crisis-induced respites from active drinker, and ex-alcoholic. They have been described as
AOD use. It would be helpful if scientific studies of sober, on the wagon, drug free, clean, straight, abstinent,
recovery used categories that convey the degree of cured, recovered, and recovering (White, 1998). Modern
volitional intent related to recovery, for example, reporting debate has focused on the last two of these terms. Whereas
follow-up status in terms of degrees of freedom—problem recovering conveys the dynamic, developmental process of
abatement in an institutional environment, problem abate- addiction recovery, recovered provides a means of designat-
ment under rigorous monitoring in the community, recovery ing those who have achieved stable sobriety and better
236 W.L. White / Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 33 (2007) 229–241

conveys the real hope for a permanent resolution of AOD groups have sometimes used one term (recovering) for
problems. The period used to designate people recovered intragroup communication and another term (recovered) for
from other chronic disorders is usually 5 years of continuous extragroup communications. This practice is intended to
symptom remission. meet the psychological needs of group members (reinfor-
Many treatment outcome studies evaluate recovery cing the need for sustained vigilance and self-development)
between 6 and 24 months following admission or discharge while conveying a message of hope for permanent recovery
from treatment, and the two major diagnostic classification to the public and those still experiencing AOD problems
systems define recovery in terms of periods of symptom (White, 2006a).
remission ranging from 1 month (“early remission”) to
1 year (“sustained remission”; APA, 1994; WHO, 1992).
12. Defining recovery: A proposal
Defining recovery in terms of such short time periods is
challenged by studies suggesting that recovery from severe
Having defined the criteria for an ideal definition of
substance use disorders is not stable (point at which the risk
recovery within the AOD problems arena and made
of future lifetime relapse drops below 15%) until after 4 to
recommendations related to key questions related to the
5 years of sustained abstinence or subclinical use (Dawson,
construction of such a definition, the following definition is
1996; De Soto, O'Donnel, & De Soto, 1989; Jin, Rourke,
offered for consideration.
Patterson, Taylor, & Grant, 1998; Nathan & Skinstad,
1987; Vaillant, 1996). Recovery is the experience (a process and a sustained status)
Persons with severe AOD problems often cycle in and through which individuals, families, and communities im-
out of problematic use and exhibit short periods of pacted by severe alcohol and other drug (AOD) problems
abstinence and subclinical use within the larger course of utilize internal and external resources to voluntarily resolve
substance dependence. Both moderated and abstinence- these problems, heal the wounds inflicted by AOD-related
problems, actively manage their continued vulnerability to
based problem resolutions require time periods of symptom
such problems, and develop a healthy, productive, and
remission to determine if they are a sustainable pattern of meaningful life.
problem resolution or a brief hiatus in one's addiction
career. Short periods of self-imposed abstinence or modera- By beginning the definition with the acknowledgement
tion are not by themselves predictive of long-term problem that recovery is an experience, we reinforce that recovery is
resolution. This conclusion is confirmed by a recent 16-year deeply personal and filtered through other dimensions of self-
follow-up study (Moos & Moos, 2006) noting that 60% of age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, cultural affiliation,
individuals who initially achieved natural recovery (defined degree of religiosity, and particular life-shaping experiences
as problem remission without the aid of professional (e.g., personal or historical trauma). Defining recovery as an
treatment or recovery mutual aid groups) later experienced experience is inclusive of change processes that can be either
one or more relapses. a climactic, health-inducing event (positive, irrevocable,
The terms full recovery and recovered are best reserved permanent) or marked by time-sustained improvements in
for those individuals previously meeting DSM-IV criteria for health and functioning. Putting experience up front also
abuse or dependence who have sustained recovery (absti- underscores who is at the center of the recovery process—
nence or nonproblematic use and enhanced global function- individuals and families—and not the helping professional.
ing) for a period of 5 years or more. Designation of the status Recovery can be achieved with or without professional
of recovery (partial or full) should be based on the presence treatment or participation in peer-based recovery mutual aid
of three criteria: groups, although the potential necessity of treatment and
mutual aid participation increases as problem severity and
• sustained cessation or reduction in the frequency, complexity increase and recovery assets decrease (Cunning-
quantity, and (high risk) circumstances of AOD ham, 2000; Granfield & Cloud, 1999).
use following a sustained period of harmful use Acknowledging that recovery is a process conveys that
or dependence (meeting DSM-IV criteria for abuse resolving severe AOD problems is more than a point-in-time
or dependence); decision and that the achievement of long-term recovery
• absence of, or a progressive reduction in, the number requires sustained effort. Depicting recovery as a process
and intensity of AOD-related problems; and conveys that recovery initiation and recovery maintenance
• evidence of enhanced global (physical, cognitive, are qualitatively different processes (Humphreys, Moos, &
emotional, relational, educational/occupational, ontolo- Finney, 1995; Snow, Prochaska, & Rossi, 1994).
gical) health. Acknowledging recovery as a sustained status confirms
the ability of recovery to alter personal identity and engender
The term recovering best depicts those persons who are meaning from having survived a potentially life-threatening
making progress toward the achievement of the three condition. The phrase also suggests that recovery requires
above-noted recovery criteria but who have not yet reached external validation. By analogy, one is not in recovery (or
the 5-year benchmark of recovery stability. Mutual aid remission) from cancer simply by self-declaration. Recovery
W.L. White / Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 33 (2007) 229–241 237

from severe AOD problems is a status that must stand the and key dimensions of family life (e.g., roles, rules, and
test of external validation based on measurable criteria. It rituals; White & Savage, 2005). These radical readjustments
must also stand the test of time. Full recovery from severe of family life can be so traumatizing as to threaten the
AOD problems, like full recovery from other life-threatening survival of the family as a system (Brown & Lewis, 1999).
chronic problems, cannot be declared until a point of This broadened perspective on recovery also embraces the
durability has been reached in which the risk for future relationship between individual/family health and commu-
lifetime relapse has been dramatically reduced. Use of terms nity health—a relationship very evident in the current Native
such as full recovery, long-term recovery, and recovered American Wellbriety Movement. (“In the Red Road to
convey to people with AOD problems and their families, Wellbriety, the individual, family and community are one. To
health and human service providers, and the public the real injure one is to injure all; to heal one is to heal all” [White
hope for permanent resolution of severe AOD problems Bison, 2002].) Framing the multidimensional experience of
(Faces and Voices of Recovery, 2006). In clinical and recovery within the context of individual, family, and
scientific arenas, it would be helpful to refer to recovery in community is visually illustrated in the placement of
temporal categories: early recovery (less than 1 year), personal recovery within the Native American Medicine
continuing recovery (1 year to 5 years), and long-term Wheel (Fig. 1).
recovery (more than 5 years). Limiting the application of recovery to those impacted by
Including individuals, families, and communities in the severe AOD problems precludes use of the term recovery for
recovery definition transcends the traditional focus on the those who have experienced less severe and transient AOD
individual and affirms the interconnectedness between problems. This definition would limit application of the term
the individual, the family (defined nontraditionally), and recovery, at least in scientific and clinical circles, to the
the community. Family recovery can be measured through resolution of AOD problems that met DSM-IV criteria for
changes in the family system's boundary permeability, the abuse or dependence. It affirms that lessons learned from
global health of individual family members, changes in those with mild-to-moderate AOD problems are inapplicable
family subsystem relationships (e.g., adult intimate relation- to those with severe and chronic AOD problems.
ships, parent–child relationships, sibling relationships, The phrase utilize internal and external resources affirms
relationships with the extended family and kinship network), the existence of secular (White & Nicolaus, 2005), spiritual

Fig. 1. Recovery and the life cycle of the individual, the family, and the community. Source: Charlene Belleau, Former Chief, Alkali Lake Band of Indians.
238 W.L. White / Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 33 (2007) 229–241

(Cook, 2004; Galanter, 1997; Laudet, Morgen, & White, craving, addictive thinking and self-talk, and compul-
2006; Miller, 2003), and religious frameworks of recovery sive drug-seeking behavior)?
(White & Whiters, 2005). It affirms that recovery can come 2. Does the medication enhance or inhibit broader
from an assertion of self or from a surrender and dimensions of global health?
transcendence of self (White & Nicolaus, 2005). The phrase 3. Does the medication result in an increase or decrease in
also acknowledges the role of internal and external assets in injuries and costs inflicted on the individual, family,
the recovery process—assets Granfield and Cloud (1999) community, and culture?
have collectively christened recovery capital.
Use of the phrase to voluntarily precludes externally These questions focus not on the presence of psychoac-
mandated respites in AOD use from the recovery definition tive drugs or the source of such drugs (prescribed or
and underscores the role of human volition in the unprescribed) but on what role these substances play in the
maintenance, if not always the initiation, of radically altered resolution or exacerbation of AOD problems.
relationships with psychoactive drugs. Its inclusion reflects The phrase heal the wounds inflicted by AOD-related
the recognition that free will is neurologically compromised problems acknowledges that severe AOD problems are often
in addiction and progressively rehabilitated through the inextricably bundled with other problems, that recovery
recovery process (Smith, 2005). outcomes are closely linked to broader personal and social
The phrase resolve these problems conveys action and adjustment outcomes, and that healing and rebuilding
movement over time—thus, the frequent recovery metaphors individuals, families, and communities wounded by AOD
of steps, pathways, and journeys. Resolve conveys that some problems take time (Miller, 1996).
repairs of the wounds to self and others have already been The phrase actively manage their continued vulnerability
completed while others are likely still underway. It conveys to these problems conveys that there are, at the moment, no
that the person, family, and community are in the process of permanent technologies to eliminate future vulnerability to
freeing themselves from problems that have dominated their AOD problems for those who have arrested those problems.
thoughts, feelings, relationships, and activities. For recovery The implication is that individuals, families, and commu-
to occur, certain things must be absent and other things nities become experts on their own recovery processes and
must be present—a measurable accounting of withdrawals take responsibility for actively managing those recovery
and deposits. processes over time.
The use of resolve these problems, rather than behavioral The final phrase in our definition, develop a healthy,
criteria of abstinence from one or more drugs and the productive, and meaningful life, reflects the near-universal
absence of references to professional treatment or mutual aid belief in recovery support circles (across secular, spiritual,
societies, makes AOD problem resolution the most essential and religious groups) that recovery is more than an aborted
ingredient of recovery, rather than a particular method of or radically altered pattern of AOD use. The word develop is
problem resolution. It is also respectful of the “philosophy of intended to convey movement forward—a “progress, not
choice” that is gaining greater visibility within the recovery perfection” framework of change common in recovery
support literature (White & Kurtz, 2006a). Resolve means mutual aid groups. Such progress can reflect internal changes
that the destructive pattern of AOD use has been aborted, the (e.g., new knowledge, values, thinking patterns, attitudes,
problems resulting from such use have been or are being character traits, behaviors, skills, decisions, personal iden-
rectified to the extent possible, and the chaos and unpredict- tity) or external changes (rituals of daily living, significant
ability that so often characterize severe AOD problems have changes in interpersonal relationships—particularly with
diminished or been eliminated. It also suggests that the family and friends—and an altered relationship to commu-
problems arising from stigma related to this condition are nity as measured by citizenship and service).
also being actively managed at a personal level. Dictionary definitions of recovery convey the process of
Substituting one destructive drug relationship for another retrieval—a return to a past state or the process of extracting
is, in this definition, not recovery. Eliminating one drug valuable resources from seemingly unusable sources
dependency (e.g., alcohol) while retaining an equally life- (Oxford English Dictionary, 2006). Such a definition fits
threatening though less life-disrupting drug dependency the addiction recovery experience in the sense that some-
(e.g., nicotine) would, in this definition, be viewed as partial thing of great value has been drawn from the past addiction
recovery. The question of medication as an adjunct in one's experience that potentially transforms those who were once a
search for recovery would be judged, not by its presence or social problem into a valuable social asset. Recovery can
absence but by the motivations for its use and its effects on also be depicted as a process of procovery, uncovery, or
the resolution process. Three specific questions could be discovery—a movement into new, unexplored dimensions of
asked to make such a judgment: one's life.
The phrase a healthy, productive, and meaningful life
1. Does the medication incite or quell what people conveys the broad changes that often unfold as a means of
seeking recovery have personified for more than a achieving recovery or that are received as the benefits of the
century as the “beast,” “monster,” or “dragon” (cellular recovery experience. Healthy encompasses improvements in
W.L. White / Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 33 (2007) 229–241 239

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This article was prepared for the Betty Ford Institute untreated persons with former alcohol dependence: United States, 1992.
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De Soto, C. B., O'Donnel, W. E., & De Soto, J. L. (1989). Long-term
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I also wish to acknowledge the Consensus Conference parti- Dennis, M. L., Scott, C. K., & Funk, R. (2003). An experimental evaluation
cipants whose observations helped sharpen points made in of recovery management checkups (RMC) for people with chronic
this article. William Miller's theoretical perspectives on substance use disorders. Evaluation and Program Planning, 26,
relapse (Miller, 1996) were very helpful in my explorations
Dennis, M. L., Scott, C. K., Funk, R., & Foss, M. A. (2005). The duration
of the meaning of recovery. and correlates of addiction and treatment careers. Journal of Substance
Abuse Treatment, 28, S51−S62.
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