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What the Teesta barrage would do

The developments needed will not happen without regional


The two most populated countries in the world are in conflict at a very
difficult time -- a global pandemic. 

Military conflicts are one of the top reasons behind the displacement of
almost 80 million people globally. China and India have avoided many
conflicts in the past with prudent diplomacy. In 1971, the Indian Prime
Minister Indira Gandhi of the Indian National Congress (INC) party offered
military support to Bangladesh’s independence war against Pakistan.

During that time, China was influenced as Pakistan’s ally to attack India as a
strategy to defeat India with a multi-front war. China didn’t take on that
offer, which greatly contributed to Bangladesh’s successful independence
after a bloody war against West Pakistan.

China and India have greatly contributed to Bangladesh’s infrastructure

development with technology and financial investments, and Bangladesh has
continued to have great relationships with these countries.

However, Bangladesh’s two neighbours, China and India, got into a bloody
conflict in the summer of 2020. Both countries have also been subject to
global criticism because of their fall in safeguarding human rights. China has
been blamed for mass concentration camps keeping their Muslim population
confined, and for forced labour. On the other hand, India is crafting laws to
possibly call millions of Muslims illegal.
It’s noteworthy that according to the United Nations 2019 report, only 0.5%
of India’s population is foreign-born. India’s new immigration laws and
declining human rights are impacting its image in Bangladesh, but China’s
actions on the Uighur are no less concerning to Bangladeshis.

Bangladesh focuses on fundamental developments within the country, as

well as building a strong global image for humanitarian work, through
greatly contributing to United Nations humanitarian missions and hosting
millions of stranded refugees from West Pakistan and the expelled
Rohingyas from Myanmar.

The Bangladeshi government has drawn some serious diplomatic attention

from India recently after China committed to lending $1 billion to
Bangladesh to build a water dam on the river Teesta nearing the Indian
border -- a project that can possibly aid Bangladesh in its agricultural
production, provide water to tens of millions of people, and lead to many
other environmental improvements that were damaged due to India’s water
management upstream.

India has been opposed to allowing Bangladesh to build any water dams on
Teesta, as India has been diverting the same water to its own lands for
agricultural purposes. Even though there is already a tremendous number of
benefits with this Teesta barrage project, it is a great example of China-
Bangladesh cooperation and friendship that is set to start this December --
Bangladesh may also ask China to build on this friendship on a much greater

The Bangladeshi government may ask China to allow Uighur Muslims to

visit, work, or study in Bangladesh under a cultural exchange program. Such
an arrangement will be evident for the Chinese government to their openness
to a solution to the Uighur crisis. Then, India may also choose some actions
towards humanitarian needs as well.

For Bangladesh, the benefiit from the Teesta barrage will not come
overnight. This project will also require lots of other developments, such as
improving existing water features, drainage, and navigability, raising
shorelines, flood control, developing commercial marine lives, etc.

Many of these developments may need regional partners, and certainly, the
Bangladesh government has championed working with its neighbouring
nations. If Bangladesh can add the possibility of hosting these Chinese
Uighurs to mix with Bangladeshis and enrich its culture, it may help
diversity in Bangladesh and strengthen friendship with China, without
harming its relationship with India.

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