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On 29th of March 2021, we discussed some of the disorders of the upper

gastrointestinal tract: its definition, etiology, pathophysiology, diagnostic procedures and
medical management.

First, we discussed about Stomatitis, it is the inflammation of the mucus

membrane of the mouth, including the inner aspects of the lips, cheeks, gums, tongue
and throat. Honestly, I didn’t know that stomatitis has different types until the instructor
explained all of them. A common type, which all of us may be familiar with is the
aphthous stomatitis and this can be due to dry mouth or simply from ill-fitting dentures,
biting the inside of the cheek, tongue, or lip. Other types can be caused by a viral, yeast
infection, chemotherapy treatment, allergy, sexually transmitted infections or nutritional
deficiencies. The second disease is the Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD.
This occurs when stomach frequently flows back into the tube connecting the mouth
and stomach, which is known as the esophagus. People with Gerd may get heartburn or
acid indigestion. Last is about the Hiatal Hernia which occurs when the upper part of
your stomach bulges through the large muscle separating your abdomen and chest.

Today’s lesson went very well and I learned a lot. The instructor explained the
diseases very well and I like that she encourages us to take down notes and not just to
rely on one reference. I completely agree because a single book doesn’t always have all
the necessary information that we need and by looking for other references, we will
learn and gain new knowledge.

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