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1. What do you feel is most important in

life? Why?
2. What is one thing you are currently
changing about yourself? Explain
1. The most important in my life is my family
because, they teach my every values and the
first education, also I know that my family is
always for me, in good and bad moment, further
if I follow them i will have good results because
they only wanna good things for me.
2. Not its only one things, because I am not a
perfect human, and as well as I have good
moments in my life also I have bad and very bad
moments, and there is when I be a negative
person, I get furious , I only say “i cant do it”,
and its totally wrong idea, because everything
that i propose I can do it, because the world
have very wonderfull, beautiful and awesome
things, and I have to enojoy that.

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