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How and where can you mount your TV

21st century is the era of modern technology and artificial intelligence. It has provided you
with many things which could not have been even imagined a century ago. TVs are one of the
biggest invention of the century. The TVs have revolutionised from big boxes to slim smart
screens, black and white display to high definition HD 4k display and beyond, from no sound
to high definition sound and much more. TVs have also revolutionised the way of living of
the people. Today smart TVs are available in the market having modern and great features.
These features include media playing from different sources like HDMI, internet, USB, CS
and DVD players, Bluetooth etc, great sounds from the speakers, great theatrical view,
aesthetics, wifi and wireless controlling and much more. While installing a TV at your home,
it is very important that where do you put or mount your TV and its corresponding devices.
Following shows some places where you can install and mount your TV;

On the wall
Today the slim and smart TVs can be installed anywhere you want. The most common and
popular way is mounting your TV on a wall in your TV room. There are many advantages of
mounting your TV on wall. Some of them are that they consume a less space to be installed,
TV mounted on a wall gives an aesthetic and full of grace look and much more. A TV
mounted on the wall can be easily watched regarding you position, sitting, standing or even
lying on the bed. So it is highly recommended that you should install and mount your TV on
the wall. The TV is usually attached with a bracket to the wall. The bracket has screws which
attach the bracket to the wall. Furthermore, it also depends upon your taste and likings where
do you want to install and mount your TV.

On a TV trolley or a cabinet
You can mount your TV on a special dedicated cabinet or on a TV trolley. This method was
very popular some time ago. This method is still in use but the wall mounting has surpassed
this method. But if you are a vintage lover, or if you have different taste for your aesthetics
you can mount your TV in a cabinet or a TV trolley. It can consume a bit more space than
wall mounting but it is all up on your taste and linking.

Hanging the TV
Hanging a TV is not usually used in homes but you must have saw them in malls, airports,
hospitals and markets. TVs are hanged for different purposes like advertisement, information,
commercials, marketing etc. The TVs are hanged with the help of chains to the wall which
are usually above the normal height of people. So for all these types of mounting TVs, you
need a TV mounting service provider company.
There are many companies and firms around you which provide you with TV installation and
mounting services. An ideal company or firm is that which provides all these services in a
fast and elegant manner provided by skilled and experienced staff. In Atlanta and around
Georgia, there are many companies providing you with TV mounting and installation
services. RMS installs is one of the most renowned and leading companies in Atlanta which
provides you with TV mounting and installation services. Our staff is experienced, keen,
elegant, responsible and skilled in the services they provide. The cost of our services is fair
and relatively lower than the other companies. Our equipment is good and branded which
comes up with warranty. We provide fast and elegant services.

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