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LeveL J) COT Be aa en an Orient Book Mrs Box’s Beautifull Boat Harry Catchpool " <= Mrs Box’s Beautiful Boat Players Mrs Box Mr Box ber husband Buty Box her son Betta Box ber daughter Mrs Date a friend who lives near the Box family Mr Date ber husband Dan Date her son ANNIE Date ber daughter Pepper the Box family dog Sunny the Box family cat Frep the Box family fish NS Mrs Box’s Beautiful Boat Scene 1 Mrs Box’s house — in the living-room Billy, Bella and Pepper are looking out of the window at the rain BILLY BELLA BILLY Mrs Box BILLY Mrs Box BELLA Mrs Box BELLA Mrs Box Oh no, it’s raining again! I don’t like the rain! Rain, stop! Yes! Please stop. I want to play in the garden. Well, you can't. It’s raining. You can’t go out of the house. Oh, please, Mum. Can we go out to the garden? No, Billy, You can’t go out in the rain. Sorry. But what can we do? You can read a book. I don’t want to read a book. You can look at the TV. Mrs Box’s Beautiful Boat BILLY Mrs Box BILLY AND BELLA Mrs Box BILLY AND BELLA Mrs Box BELLA Mrs Box BILLY Mrs Box BELLA Mrs Box BILLY AND BELLA Mrs Box BILLY Mrs Box BILLY AND BELLA BELLA I don’t want to look at the TV. You can listen to the radio. We don’t want to listen to the radio. OK. Play on your computer. We don’t want to play on our computer! Play with Sunny. Sunny is asleep on the chair. Play with Pepper. Pepper wants to run in the garden, too. Play with Fred. I love Fred, but you can’t play with a fish! Well, what can you do? (She thinks fast) Oh yes! We can all build a boat! Build a boat? Yes. I want to build a boat! But why? Because it is raining very, very hard! Rain is water and boats are good on water. I want a boat. Is that OK? Yes, Mum. We're going to build a boat! We're going to build a boat! Mrs Box’s Beautiful Boat Scene 2 In the garage Mrs Box You children are working well. Buty The boat looks good. BELLA It looks beautiful! Mrs Box Bella, go into the house. Get me four big chairs, two small chairs and the small table from the kitchen. BELLA OK, Mum. Billy, come with me. Mrs Box’s Beautiful Boat Scene 3 In the garage Mrs Box, Billy and Bella are still building their boat. It is much bigger Mr Box Mrs Box Mr Box Mrs Box Mr Box Mrs Box BILLY Mrs Box BILLY AND BELLA Mr Box Mrs Box Mr Box Mrs Box MR Box 6 (Coming back from work) What's this? It’s a boat. I can see it's a boat. Why is it in the garage? We are making it in the garage. But the garage is for my car, not your boat! Yes, but we can’t build it in the garden. It’s raining. It’s OK, Mum. We can put two doors on top of the boat. The doors can stop the rain. OK. Get some doors, children. Yes, Mum! (They run off to get the doors) What? Where are the doors coming from? They are coming from the house, of course. I don’t like it. I like my car in the garage. I like my doors in the house. I don’t like your boat in the garage and doors on top of your boat! It’s OK. You can soon put your car in the garage. Good. I want to eat, now. What’s for dinner? Mrs Box’s Beautiful Boat Scene 4 In the garden Mrs Box, Billy and Bella are in the boat Mrs Box BILLY BELLA Mrs Box BILLY BELLA Mrs Box. Look at our lovely boat! I love the boat. It’s very beautiful. Yes. It is beautiful. Look out of the window. Is it still raining? Yes. There’s lots of water in the garden, I can’t see the grass. Rain! Stop! I don’t like all this water. But, Bella, our boat loves water. Mrs Box’s Beautiful Boat Scene 5 In the kitchen Billy and Bella are asleep in their bedroom. Mrs Box and Mr Box aye standing and talking in the kitchen Mr Box I'm not happy. Mrs Box sit down and have a drink. Mk Box I can't sit down. There isn’t a chair! Mrs Box Well, stand up to have a drink. MR Box I don’t want to stand up. I want to go to sleep. Mrs Box’s Beautiful Boat Mrs Box Good, I want to go to bed, too: Mr Box But we can't go to bed. We en’t got a bed. Mrs Box That's OK. We can sleep on the floor. Mr Box But there isn’t a floor in our bedroom! The wood is on the boat! Mrs Box That's OK. We can sleep on the floor in Billy’s and Bella’s | bedroom, Mr Box OK, But I'm not happy. I want to sleep in a bed, not on the floor. Mrs Box’s Beautiful Boat Scene 6 In the bedroom It is night. Mrs Box and Mr Box are sleeping on the floor SUNNY Miaow! PEPPER Woof! Woof! Mrs Box (Waking up) What's that? Mr Box Waking up) It's Sunny and Pepper. What do they want? Mrs Box They're not happy. Mr Box, No. Look out of the window. There is water up to the window! I can’t see the garden! (Mrs Box looks out of the window, too) Mrs Box And it’s still raining! There’s water in the kitchen and in the living-room! Water is coming into the bedroom! Tell the children! Get into the boat! Mr Box Billy! Bella! BILLY AND. BELLA What is it? Mrs Box Water is coming into the bedroom. Get into the boat. BILLY AND. BELLA Mrs Box Our boat is big and beautiful. Look! It loves the water! Get some clothes fast! BILLY OK, but wher Pepper? BELLA Where's Sunny? Mrs Box Pepper and Sunny can come on the boat, too. BELLA, And Fred the fish? 1 want Fred Mrs Box He can’t come. He’s in the living-room. But he’s OK Fish live in water, Now get your clothes. (Mrs Box and her family get out of the window and onto the boat) 10 Mrs Box’s Beautiful Boat Scene 7 On the boat It is still night Mrs Date Mr Date ANNIE AND Dan Mr Box, Mrs Box, Mrs Date. Help! Help! Please help us! Look, There’s the Date family. They haven't got a boat! They can come on our boat. It’s big. (lalking to Mr and Mrs Date) Jump onto our boat! You can come too! Thank you! You've got a lovely boat. (The Date family jump onto the boat) Where are you going? Il Mrs Box’s Beautiful Boat Mrs Box BELLA BILLY Mrs Box PEPPER SUNNY We are going where our boat takes us, across the sea and round the world. Our boat is like a hotel on water. We have food. We have dry clothes. Woof! Miaow! 7 fh: ne ia ee pee nt SAN, i ere ew NY ae NA, — Scene 8 London Dan ANNIE BILLY BELLA BILLY BELLA DAN AND ANNIE PEPPER SUNNY 12 Look at that big clock in the water. What is it? That clock has a name. It is ‘Big Ben’, Big Ben is in London. Then we are in London! No we're not. We are over London. London is in the water! No. London is under the water! Ha, ha, ha! Woof! Miaow! Mrs Box's Beautiful Boat Scene 9 On the boat It is still raining Dan ANNIE BILLY BELLA ANNIE Dan BLLy Look over there! Look at that big mountain in the water! I think its name is ‘Ararat’ Mount Ararat is in Turkey. T want to stop on the mountain! a We can’t. We're going ya past it! Where are we / SS. going to now? We're going across this sea! 13 Mrs Box’s Beautiful Boat Scene 10 On the boat ay It is still raining Dan BILLY ANNIE BELLA BILLY BELLA BILLY 14 Look over there! Look at that tall building! Oh yes! It’s very tall. We are in the USA. No, we're not. We’re over the USA! The USA is under the water! Yes! Cars and roads, buildings and houses are all under us. Fish live in the houses now, not people. Do you think Fred is in one of the houses? No. I don’t think Fred’s down there in a house. I think he’s in the big sea with his fish friends. Mrs Box’s Beautiful Boat Scene 11 On the boat It is still raining DAN I like the sea. Do you like it? ANNIE Yes. It’s good. BiLLy I want to be on dry land. I want to run in my garden. ANNIE But, Billy. The sea is beautiful. BILLY I want some good food. Mrs Box We haven't got food now. We must eat fish. BELLA I don’t want to eat fish. Fred is a fish. I don’t want to eat his brothers and sisters. Mrs Box Well, we can’t go to the shops to buy more food. The shops are all under the water! BELLA I still don’t want to eat fish! Mr Box Don’t talk! Look out of the window! The rain is stopping. I can see sun! Mrs Box Oh, yes. There’s the sun. It’s lovely. And the water is going down a little! ALL THE CHILDREN The water’s going down! The water's going down! Good! Good! Good! PEPPER Woof! SUNNY Miaow! Mrs Box’s Beautiful Boat Scene 12 On the boat Two days later, in the morning Buty BELLA Mrs Box BELLA Mrs Box BILLY Mr Box Mrs Date MR Date Mr Box Mrs Box ALL THE CHILDREN PEPPER SUNNY 16 I want some good food. I want some, too! Eat some fish. No. Iam not going to eat fish OK. Drink some water. I never want to see water again! Look! Look out of the window! Over there! What is it? It’s a house. Yes. I can see it’s a house. But whose house is it? Its our house! We're home. The water is going down fast. Jump onto the house. I don’t want our boat to go past it! (Mr Box and Mr Date jump onto the bouse) We're home! We're home! Woof! Miaow! Mrs Box’s Beautiful Boat Scene 13 In the kitchen It is now afternoon Mrs Box There's some food in the kitchen. BILLY Good. BELLA Where's Fred the fish? I want to see Fred again. BILLY Well you can’t. Fred is far away in the sea. Mr Box (Shouting from living-room) No he’s not! Fred is in here. Come and look! (The children run through to the living- room) Scene 14 In the living-room Mr Box Look! There’s Fred! BILLY AND BELLA Where? MR Box He's in the TV. There’s water in the TV. BELLA Now I’m happy again! We are home and Fred is alive and well. Mrs Box’s Beautiful Boat Buy Mrs Box. BILLY AND, BELLA And we've got food, too! (Shouting from kitchen) Yes! Your food is ready! Come and eat, Billy and Bella! Tell your dad dinner is ready Daddy! Dinner! Scene 15 In the kitchen It is morning again Mrs Box Mr Box Mrs Box MR Box Mrs Box BILLY BELLA Mr Box PEPPER 18 Here's a letter! What does it say? (Opening the letter) It says, ‘Please read this now! Do you want to go to sea in a beautiful ship? Do you want to go round the world by boat?” Well, do you want to go round the world in a beautiful ship? No! I never want to go to sea again! I want to stay on dry land! Me too! And me! What do Sunny and Pepper think? Woof! SUNNY Mr Box Mrs Box Mr Box Mrs Box BILLY AND. BELLA Mr Box Mrs Box Mr Box. Mrs Box’s Beautiful Boat Miaow! We all think the same. We all want to stay on dry land! We haven't got time to go round the world. We must do lots of building Building? What do you want to build now? Our house! I want to make our house right. Billy, get me a door from our boat! Bella, get me a table from the boat! Yes, Mum! Norah Box? Yes, William Box? I love you!

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