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Name : ___________
Word Problems

1. The mass of a durian is 2 kg. The mass of a watermelon is y kg. What is the total mass of the
two fruits ? Express your answer in terms of y.

2. Dedrick buys x notebooks at $2 each. If he gives the cashier $50, how much change will he
receive ? Express your answer in terms of x.

3. Caren is n years old. Michelle is twice as old as Caren. Diandra is 5 years younger than
Michelle. Express Diandra's age in terms of n.

4. Mrs. Shinta is 35 years old. His sister is X years younger than Mrs. Shinta. How old is his
sister? Express your answer in terms of x.

5. If m = 10, so the answer for this algebraic expressions 20 + 3m is ....

6. Darren is 25 years old. His brother is p years younger than Darren. how old is his brother, when
p= 5 years ?

7. Maira bought 5 boxes of plain doughnuts. There were m plain doughnuts in each box. She also
bought 3 strawberry doughnuts. How many doughnuts did she buy altogether ? Express your
answer in terms of m.

8. Mr Jo has w erasers. He packs them equally into boxes of 12. How many boxes does he use?
9. The perimeter of a rectangle is 170 cm. The breadth is b cm. The length of the rectangle is

10. Alex is b cm tall. His mother is twice as tall as he is. His father is 5 cm taller than his mother.
How tall is his father ?

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