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I=o.5e-3 % The current value

% prompt for the observation point

disp('Enter the observatioon point (in the');
p0 = input(�format [x y z]... \n > ');

if isempty(p0); p0 = [0 0 0]; end

xpstart = 0; xpend = 1e-2; % start and end points for

% integration variable x prime
dxp=1e-7; % integration variable increment dx

H = [0, 0, 0]; % initial field values before integration sum

zp = 0; % current lies only in the xy plane

for xp=xpstar:dx:xpend; % begin integration loop

xp=xp^2*1e2; % make substation for y prime in terms
% of x prime
% the 1e3 is to offset the 1e-2 squared
% term which relates x prime and y prime
% in space
dyp=2*x*dxp; % make substitution for dy prime in terms
% of dx prime

num = [(p0(3)-zp)*dyp,-((p0(3)-zp)*dxp,((p0(2)-yp)*dxp-...
(p0(1)-xp)*dyp)]; % numerator
den = ((p0(1)-xp)^2+(p0(2)-yp)^2)^(3/2); % denominator



% display the output

disp(�The magnetic field at ');
disp(sprintf('(%f, %f, %f) cm \nis (%f %f %f) A/m', ...
p0(1), p0(2), p0(3), H(1), H(2), H(3)))

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