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Nama : Riskiyah Musyafirah

NIM : PO7220119 1572

Kelas : 1 A Keperawatan

Expressions Opening : Asking Opinion

Asking the nurse about the doctor’s visit

Patient : Excuse me.

Nurse : Yes, Ma’am. How can I help you?

Patient : I am from ward room number 404.

Nurse : Oh, you are Mr. Ryan’s family, then?

Patient : Yes, right.

Nurse : What can I do for you?

Patient : When is the next doctor’s visit.

Nurse : If it’s gastroenteritis patient, then it will be Dr.Hadi.

Patient : When will Dr.Hadi visit?

Nurse : Please wait within today. He will visit around 5 pm to 7 pm or you can inform me again

Parient : Of course. Thank you.

Nurse : No problem.

Asking doctor’s about the patient’s condition

Doctor : Hello, Ms. Fira.

Patient : Hi, Dr.Indra.

Doctor : So, we are going to talk about your last check up.

Patient : Could you tell me my test result? How was it?

Doctor : This is your test result. I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary.

Patient : So, basically, I am okay?

Doctor : At first, I am afraid you might have GERD but there wasn’t any other symptom.

Patient : So, what was the cause?

Doctor : Aside from irregular eating schedule, you also ate to much spicy food. Try to restrain
yourself from any spicy food from now.

Patient : Certainly.

Doctor : I’ll write you a prescription for your stomachache.

Patient : Thank you, Doc.

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