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Philosophy of Education

My Philosophy of Education has truly transformed through my Student Teaching

Experience. My main role as a teacher is to foster a positive learning environment where every

student feels welcomed and valued. Each student will arrive in my classroom with their cup full,

empty, or anywhere in between. It is not my job to add to this negatively, it is my job to meet

students where they are at and work with them how they need. I will always put relationship-

building over everything else because students are unable to learn or obtain knowledge in an

environment where they do not feel safe, heard, or valued. I will provide a consistent and

predictable schedule so all my students will know what is expected of them at any given time. I

will actively engage students in learning by creating a student-centered classroom allowing each

student to reach their full potential. I will strive to incorporate project-based learning, hands-on

learning, and cooperative learning into my classroom in a way that meets the diverse learning

styles and abilities that exist. Each student will be held to high standards and must engage with

their own learning. Knowing that each student will arrive into my classroom at a different place

in their schooling and learn at different speeds is an important factor to be aware of. I will make

room for these students and differentiate to meet these needs. I am aware of the diversity of

backgrounds that exist within a community and I will be sensitive to these differences. Students

in my class will be encouraged to embrace these differences, accept themselves for who they are,

and take risks. My main goal as a teacher is to positively impact my students each and every

day. While I am the teacher in the classroom, my students will also learn from each other and I

will learn from them, my colleagues, parents, and our community.

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