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The Other Face BY SALMASSHALLASH "hen he saw me his face revealed total astonishment, a I Sot up early. On my way to the bathroom I looked at myself in ‘or. I'was horrified by my appearance. My hair was disheveled tripped of makeup. It looked quite different from yester- vr: {thought of Fu'ad, my fiancé, and it struck me that the faces we Hiv each other aren't the scal us, They are artificial faces, masks, A fee ‘lsys ago T learned that my friend at the office had gotten divorced after ‘si? Fears of marriage. L asked in amazement how she could be divorced shen she had martied for love. They told me there had been differences ‘wl problems, T scrutinized my face in the mirrot. There's no way ‘vu it, told myself, When a couple gets married both the bride ant sivam are going to be surprised by the sight of each other's true face, [uring the engagement we show each other a different face. We behara 12 studied, calculated way. IF we could see each other as we really are \wfive the union, theré would be no end of problems... Fu'ad isin for « ‘rk after we get married. He will se a different woman from the exe fw loves and plans to marry. Suddenly 1 had a crazy ides. I quickly put on an ordinary house- ‘hess went out to the street, and jumped into the fist taxi I found, 1 knocked on Fu’ad’ door, then put my hand on the buzser and il ie there, T heatd his voice shouting from inside, “Yq. Coming.” ‘Nhen he saw ine his face revealed total astonishment. He asked me why - nce Thad come at such an early hous, and looked all che more bewildere he studied my appearance. He seemed to be seeing me for the ner ¢ Hie looked comical too. He wore baggy pajantas, and a cap on his L 10 keep down his curly hai. He had not yet shaved, and is eyelid v still puffed up with sleep. Eyeing me uneasily, he said, “Your vie taken me by surprise.” said “I wanted to safeguard the future of our marriage by let: tach of us see the others real face so that we won't have a shock sl wwe get married.” {Most people were satistied by the sensible reason Fu'ad gave to Family when he broke off the engagement: that he would be tarcl overseas on a scholarship and might not return. But I keep wondering whether what I did was natve, or absolut the right thing. = : “Each reader bring teach work of literature only who is within oneself” Marcel Proust

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