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Tempe is a traditional food that is produced from fermented soybeans with

the help of molds. Fermentation is carried out with the help of several types of
mold which are made in the form of commercial yeast or homemade yeast.
Several types of molds used include Rhizopus oligosporus, Rhizopus oryzae,
Rhizopus stolonifer and several other types of Rhizopus fungi (PUSIDO, 2012)
Tempe is processed through several stages. First the washing process, the
soybeans are washed with running water until they are clean, then soak the
soybeans for 5 hours. When finished soaking, then wash the soybean soak again
until clean. Furthermore, the boiling process, which is done by boiling soybeans
that have been washed for 30-45 minutes, then soak for one night. The next step is
the peeling process, which is done by peeling the soybean husks that have been
soaked overnight by hand or using a machine, then wash them thoroughly. Steam
for 20 minutes, then remove from heat and let cool for a while then sprinkle with
temped yeast and stir until blended. After that the packaging process, which is
done by wrapping the soybeans using banana leaves or plastic, as desired.The
fermentation process will also take 2 days at normal room temperature. If the
soybeans are evenly covered by the fungus, the tempeh is ripe and ready to be
processed into various dishes.
Tempe is one of the Indonesian foods that has very good nutritional
content for the body, by paying attention to the steps above, not only knowing
how to make it but also getting good quality tempeh.

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