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2 Vocabulary Worksheet
Life choices 4 Complete the sentences with the words in exercise 3.
1 No one expected any kind of complication.
1 Match the descriptions with the phrases. 2 can make life seem very boring,
because you never do anything!
1 To study something in a class. D
3 Students, we need a in noise levels
2 To get better at something. _
and an increase in concentration, please!
3 To start a new club or class. _
4 Sadly, affects a lot of old people.
4 To start doing something, for example, a sport. _
5 You need correct to make good
5 To become familiar with. _
6 To set a target to achieve something. _
6 is thinking about other people and
A improve their needs.
B take up
C get to know 5 Find two words in each box. Then complete the
D do a course in sentences with the correct word.
E have a goal 1 rewelaakxanetisons
F set up relaxation weakness
Exercise is really helpful for stress reduction and
2 Match two boxes each time to make phrases. Then
complete the sentences.
2 siclloncenintratession
sign up keep doing look join exercise
Good is important if you want to
a club around you up for fit brush pass your exams.
3 kisendlnefishnssess
1 It’s satisfying to brush up on a skill you’ve lost.
2 Regular exercise helps people to . No one can say that is a good thing.
3 three times a week is good It’s better to think of others.
for your health. 4 lonadelinmissioessn
4 Emily wants to salsa
classes because she loves dancing. The police officer said that the man had made a clear
5 If you want to get fit with other people, then of guilt.
. You’ll meet new people that way, too. 5 hacorrpectpinesions
6 You only have to and you
will see that this town has lots of places to go to and Most people are searching for in life.
people to meet.
Verb zone
Nouns ending in -ion and -ness
6 Correct the sentences.
3 Write the nouns for the verbs and adjectives.
1 I’m thinking about signing up canoeing.
complicate inform kind lazy lonely reduce I’m thinking about taking up canoeing.
2 If you don’t deal with the French class soon, it will be full.

-ion -ness
3 Many people want to chill down when they feel stressed.

4 No one likes to sign down for difficulties but, sometimes,
it is necessary.

5 There is nothing as good as taking out on the beach with
a good book!

14 UNIT 2 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Support Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015

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