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 Customer centricity and concentration

- Customer-centricity isn’t as simple as asking customers what

they want and making well on it, though that’s certainly part
of it. Customer-centricity requires the bank to re-evaluate
what they know about their customers and to better
understand who their customers are, what interests them,
what they value, and what drives them. It’s about building a
relationship that is more meaningful than the transactional
one banks traditionally have with their customers a
relationship that looks more like a partnership and that is
attuned to the customer’s needs.
- It’s very hard to become customer-centric, because not all
customers have the same needs and expectations. Moreover,
we all like to be treated as important customers of the firms
we do business with, especially when we’ve been with them
for a long time. But the reality of customer profitability and
the customer life cycle is that if a customer doesn’t continue
to add accounts, add balances, or generate fees it doesn’t
really matter if that customer has been around for 20 years or
20 months, so the reality of customer-centricity is that not all
customers can be in the center of that centricity. But the
difference or the separate between becoming customer-
centricity or not is the majority of customers who will like
the new services.
- So according to our new services which is (online CDs –
online meetings – reservation system) , have a great benefits
which is 1- saving time 2- reduce dealing with customers 3-
customers and employees will feel safe 4- customers will be
more satisfied 5- the bank will be more arranged.
- The majority of people can handle this new services and
system and be satisfied, so it will be customer-centric.
- CIB must take into consideration that a segment of the clients
will not be familiar with these new online services and might
face problems while using those platforms thus some clients
will not be able to use those platforms so CIB can make
online orientation sessions for those who are not familiar
with the platforms to make sure that they achieve maximum
benefit and that it creates value for the clients and that they
are convenient and safe for them to use to avoid errors and
fraud that might occur when using those online platforms as
clients are not that experienced of dealing with online

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